Posts Tagged ‘cold’
Friday, March 24th, 2017
Not that 333 actually represents anything especially meaningful, but it does seem like a ridiculously high number of weeks to have been doing this. When I started I only had ONE KID.
Just a few more sink baths before he’s big enough for the real tub
Adjusting my camera, my Sigma Art is still on point
And THIS is the grocery store I just finished terrorizing!
Make-up storage
I am officially just an armrest
Snow Day waffle assistants
Doing some journaling
My husband thinks he’s funny or something
Not quite spring yet
Library visit
She would have just stayed until they threw her out
Linc pretending he’s a big kid
Ignoring the mess because sometimes you just have to
Find the hidden toddler
Babies love babies
Linc took 800 photos just like this one
My spring banner is missing it’s flowers. Because children.
Sittin’ baby sits now
Cards and taco dip
Since today is only Friday, I’m now caught up on my weeks. I’ve started putting together stuff about our Disney trip already (the one we aren’t even going on for several more months) because I don’t want to forget all the sites I’ve found super helpful while we’re planning. But reading other people’s vacation recaps is my new favorite thing, so if you have any – or follow someone who has been to Disney and written about it – drop me a link. I could seriously read about standing in line to meet Anna and Elsa all day.
Tags: cards, Caroline, cold, cooking, evan, family, finnegan, friends, house, iphone photos, library, lincoln, mess, mobile baby, my week in iphone photos, organization, school, shopping, snow day, winter
Posted in The Rest | 1 Comment »
Sunday, February 14th, 2016
This morning when I got in the car to go to a session the temperature said -3. Not 3 degrees below freezing, 3 degrees below ZERO. It barely warmed up during the day. Our furnace is struggling to keep the house warm and I really wish I never had to leave my couch nest of blankets ever again.
Nursing break during Mardi Gras Sunday at church
Evan really liked the parade
Visiting a friend on the maternity ward
Checking out the snow
THREE CHILDREN playing trains together
Linc feels the same way I do about crunches
Eating candy because his mother is a sucker
He says he’s ready to go play in the snow
No problem loving his own face
There WAS a cat sitting back there
*ALMOST* 100% on the sight words!
BRB Googling flights to Hawaii
Naptime friends
Celebrating Daddy’s birthday
Lincoln-date at the carousel
And at Red Robin (YUM)
And then my Valentine’s came early!
God Bless iPads so parents can sleep in
These two *heart eyes*
And these two!
LOOK AT THAT I GOT MY IPHONE POST DONE ON SUNDAY. I’m very impressed with myself. Now I’m going to go find some more blankets to hide under because it’s negative something degrees again and I do not like it. Even my winter layer isn’t keeping me warm anymore. Maybe I should eat another piece of that leftover cake from E’s birthday.
Because that seems like a much nicer option than cleaning up the house the kids trashed when they still have two days before they go back to school.
Tags: bus stop, Caroline, church, cold, evan, fun, ipad, kids, lincoln, naps, school, shopping, siblings, snow, trains, tv, valentine's day, winter
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Sunday, January 17th, 2016
January is just crawling by. It’s dark. It’s cold. The kids are making me INSANE every second they are home and not involved in a structured activity. They won’t stop torturing each other but they refuse to be separated. I feel so much sympathy for my own mother, since I’m pretty sure I was EXACTLY the same way with my sister as a child.
There was a thunderstorm, so Caroline tried to help Brutus be less scared
Frozen Monopoly
Linc cheering for the Golden Globes
Literally hiding from the whining
Judo time
Babies who are awake at 7 have to come to the cold bus stop
Dentist sunglasses
Thank blankie is the most disgusting thing I have EVER seen.
Loves swim
Love hoodies
I ordered this dress-up from China and it came in less than 2 weeks
Tiny sailor boy in his bunk
So cold, but so snuggly in his fox suit
By Grabthar’s Hammer, you will be missed
Friends let friends eat their extra waffles
Piano lessons
Bored at the very busy grocery store
2 am. Baby screaming in my face while I try to watch Friends. #blessed
Super happy about her baby oranges
OK, I guess comforting his crying sister means he isn’t THAT much of a jerk
I have my first photoshoot of the year tomorrow and there is SNOW on the ground. I don’t know if my clients are super thrilled but I sure am. It’s going to be gorgeous. But cold. Super cold. So I plan to spend the rest of the day (no school!) hiding under a blanket while my husband (no work!) keeps the children from killing each other. Because that is what I do on the days HE has work. I AM REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO IT.
Tags: babywearing, brutus, Caroline, cold, dentist, E, evan, friends, home, ipad, iphone photos, judo, linc, movies, my week in iphone photos, mystic seaport, piano, sad, shopping, swim, tv
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Sunday, January 11th, 2015
It’s really cold. I have a lot of feelings about it being so cold, but they’re all very negative and I’m trying to remain upbeat. But basically, eff this effing weather and eff you January I hate you why can’t it be effing June already?
As if he didn’t already eat enough, now he thinks he should get PEOPLE FOOD too.
I mean, look at those thighs.
Kids these days with their selfies.
She insists on greeting her bus driver in french when she wears her “french hat”
Really impressed with the post office
This was the highlight of their day. Evan wants to know if he can wear Linc all the time.
…neglecting the children during…
…After. It still looks mostly like that. One whole week!!
Let’s play a game called: Whose baby is in your lap?!
Irony: That wrap I’m wearing probably could have paid for the plumber to fix my dishwasher. BUT I’D RATHER DO IT MYSELF AND HAVE THE WRAP.
It’s a little staticy in our house
So…basically I’m done here?
We tried to wait outside for the bus
But gave up and stood inside staring out the window instead. Well, I stared. Linc continued to think he’s people.
Pretending she’s at a cafe
She’s got a teenager attitude – sure, you’d make a good seat, whatevs.
He ordered celery, so I let him order red drank instead of milk
And we out!
Last week was our first week back at all our activities…and yet I completely forgot to go to them. We just skipped swim class. So my goal for this week is to make it to all our appointments and classes and activities and dinners and stuff. If you see me on Wednesday and my hair looks like crap, you’ll know I’ve already failed, since my hair appointment is TUESDAY.
And someone please fix this weather. Ok, good talk.
Tags: baby food, babywearing, Caroline, cleaning, cold, cooking, E, evan, family, food, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, naps, siblings, winter, wraps
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Monday, February 17th, 2014
Today’s surprising news: I’m not dead! I was certain I was about to be dead most of the weekend, thanks to the fountain of snot both coming out of my head and totally blocking my sinuses. If you’ve ever tried to use a netti pot and had the water come out your eye balls, you know why I was convinced of certain death. Today I am both not dead and well enough to be both hungry and bored, which is my normal state.
The most amusing game of duck, duck, goose I’ve ever witnessed.
Dinosaur heaven
Princess Anna give epic side-eye on House of Lies
Totally obsessed with her veggiesaurus
My internet girlfriend/wife/best friend sent me a present. I did not share.
Signing his own valentine’s is HARD
This is the laundry chair, where I put the clean laundry. PLEASE NOTICE THE LACK OF LAUNDRY SITTING ON THE CHAIR.
In my next house, there will be separate tubs for children and relaxing
Looking for Neverland
It’s the moooost wonderful tiiiiiiime of the yeeeeeear!!!
E finally got to eat his birthday cake
That iPad has totally paid for itself is mornings they did this instead of wake me up
The only family member still excited about snow
Snow days are exhausting
The inmates are running the asylum.
3 year old bath toes are cuter than mine
Trying to remember what a day WITHOUT snow looks like
If I HAD to be sick and unable to get off the couch, at least I picked the weekend House of Cards was released to do it.
Blushes judges me, but I finished season 2!
Today my goal is a) brush my hair and b) leave the house. I got (a) done at noon and I’m hoping to get (b) accomplished by going to see The Lego Movie later. Then maybe I can tackle harder things like “make dinner” or “unload the dishwasher”. I’m not pushing myself.
Tags: birthday, blushes, brutus, Caroline, cold, Connecticut, E, evan, MORE SNOW, snow, tv, valentine's day, winter
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 1 Comment »