Posts Tagged ‘blushes’
Monday, May 2nd, 2016
I am now at one full week of constant coughing, which is much worse at night, so I’m functioning at about a 3/10. My house is a disaster. Do not come over.
After the baby stage, my children are excellent sleepers
Face smash
Passed out
My children would have been excellent pioneers
Torturing the baby a.k.a. pajamas
I don’t even know what that is
Thinks he’s a real person who can sleep in my bed
Brotherly love
The prettiest
Waiting room waiting
Mmmmmm bath water
This face perfectly expressed my mood this week
Caroline’s favorite show: Fashion Runway
Helping stuff diapers
She tolerates him very well
Friday nights are crazy around here
We taught Caroline tic-tac-toe so now they are excellent in restaurants
Couldn’t even wait for the car to eat her raspberry cream pastry
It finally looks like spring
I am hopeful that the week of rain we’re expecting will wash away whatever I’m allergic to and I will finally be able to sleep somewhere besides sitting up on the couch. It’s really exhausting. All I want to do is lie down completely flat and pass out for 12 hours. That was so much easier to do before I had all these kids. So many kids.
Fingers crossed I don’t actually cough up a lung. I need both of them.
Tags: blushes, brutus, Caroline, cat, chilis, dog, E, evan, family, iphone photos, linc, mess, my week in iphone photos, naps, shopping, sleeping, spring, target
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Sunday, January 10th, 2016
We survived our first busy week back at real life! Almost all my pictures are of people sleeping.
New picture frames!
Building his – I mean EVAN’S – new Legos
Playing with Christmas presents like a big kid
Trying to put clips in his hair, always
He would have slept with that wrapping paper if I let him
It is slightly less dark when the kids get off the bus
Rainbow carwash
Finding new uses for my newborn posing beanbag
Thought process: Oh look how pretty that beam of light looks. End result: Unremarkable random photo of moldings.
Sleeping baby
Sad baby
Happy baby
The cat hates being cold in the winter
Doing important baby work
MORE NAPS – we had friends over but he was so tired he ASKED for naps
I am SO GLAD I am not in charge of the basketball clinic
Showing off their new basketball skills
Caroline can’t hang past 8 pm.
It is now the worst part of the year, where it’s always winter but never Christmas. We haven’t had any remarkable snow yet, which would at least give us an at-home-jammies day and I could take the kids sledding to wear them out. Luckily they CLEARLY seem to be getting enough activity to be tired anyway.
There are a couple of snowflakes on my weather app for next weekend though, so I’m hopeful.
Tags: basketball, blushes, Caroline, cat, E, evan, fun, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, naps
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 4 Comments »
Monday, October 5th, 2015
Pretend today is Sunday instead of Monday and this isn’t super late. Except that if it was Sunday I wouldn’t be getting this nice 60 minutes of quiet to watch Dateline repeats and blog because my baby decided sleeping was stupid and we spent the whole day outside trying to wear him (and the big kids) out. So just forgive me for being late.
It’s a whole set for playing while moms take photos
We agreed that painting pumpkins was OK even though TECHNICALLY it wasn’t October yet
Someone was really sure he didn’t need a nap last Sunday too
ONCE AGAIN, not sleeping during assigned sleeping times
Checklist for the next house: Climbing Tree
This is why Linc still has his own room
Real Life Babywearing: Toddler lies on the floor next to my $350 wrap
They like the rain because they love umbrellas
At least the cat like the new rug
Their relationship summarized in one photo
I’m sort of trying to sell some wraps, but I hate selling wraps so I’m not doing a great job.
That face is because he wants to be in the pool with the big kids (swim lessons)
So, I did some stuff to my hair.
Brutus crashed our playgroup
This color with his eyes = A++++
Someone seems to have left my snack smushed on the couch.
We found a Pinkberry
Sleep! That’s where I’m a protractor! (Most random kid’s meal toy ever.)
My computer just decided NOW would be an ideal time to start acting up, so I’m going to go bang my head against a wall and moan. Seems like the best use of my time. I would really like it if things could just be NORMAL and BORING and AVERAGE for the rest of the week. Boring sounds really nice right now.
Tags: babywearing, blushes, brutus, Caroline, cat, dog, evan, fall, fun, hair, ice cream, lincoln, naps, rain, shopping, things I love, tula
Posted in The Rest, Week in iPhone Photos | 1 Comment »
Sunday, June 21st, 2015
Schooooooooool’s out for summer! Caroline starts camp tomorrow AND she has her dance recital this week. She is going to be one tired girl by Saturday morning. I’m hoping that means she might sleep longer than 6 am.
For her last soccer game, Caroline played with the U8 team. She was half their size!
We all love #lakelife
We worked on our Father’s Day presents, which are late because E was SUPPOSED to be at sea. Although we are much happier having him home.
Glitter, the herpes of craft supplies
We put in a chin up bar for wrap swings
Little explorer
A+ dentist visit
Keeping the healthy baby away from the germs at his check-up
I cleaned out my purse. That’s just the trash.
I think my cat is plotting to kill me
Ice cream weirdos
He always sleeps like this
He really loves his foot
Hanging out
Baby friends!!!
Morning playdates are exhausting
Loooook at my fooooooot
I don’t know why.
Water break
Happy weekend!
E was supposed to be at sea but he is not, so we had a nice Father’s Day at the zoo followed by pulled pork and ice cream cake. The kids announced THEY had the best Father’s Day, so I think it was successful. I really like the kind of family fun day where no one has a giant meltdown and I get to eat ice cream cake.
Off topic: I got a Fitbit this week, and my desire to get to 10,000 steps a day has been GREAT motivation for me to move. I also really love that it’s giving me extra points in my Weight Watchers app, because ice cream cake.
Tags: #lakelife, babywearing, blushes, Caroline, dance, dentist, evan, iphone photos, lake, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, naps, party planning, wraps
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 1 Comment »
Sunday, May 17th, 2015
The themes of this week are: Front Porch and Sleeping Baby. Those are sometimes related but not always. I’ve leveled up in babywearing this week too, with MULTIPLE back wrap naps.
Cream Cheese Face
The same cheese face, but with less cheese
I don’t know why he looks surprised, we were at Target
Unimpressed at the grocery store
Helping me watch for the bus
My new favorite ridiculous pants
I got your nose! No wait I don’t WHAT IS THIS THING IN THE WAY??
Still unimpressed, but awake
The dog he is very impressed with
Christmas jams 4 EVER
This was an entirely unneccesary elevator ride
He did that to himself
Waiting room zombies
Linc was sleeping so we hung out in the car while Caroline had soccer. I felt like a bum but SLEEPING BABY.
Her cheeseburger’s so bright, she’s gotta wear shades
Chatting with mom friends on the porch is boring for babies
He was showing her the school because she’ll go there next year too
The coolness of the sleeping baby is ruined by the arm in the sunglass reflection
Linc is not the step-and-repeat expert Caroline is yet.
This is not a very good picture but I love it so, so much. They’re closing the FAO Schwarz in New York and I’m so excited the kids got to visit.
New York wore him OUT
I have a severe case of the End Of Year Moms and almost no motivation to do anything besides take the kids fun places and drink iced coffees. I’m fighting hard to make it to June before I start letting the kids skip to go to the beach just because it’s too hot to sit on the couch with a baby on me. We have a lot of summer fun planned and I’m afraid we won’t have time for all the un-planned fun as well. This past weekend in NYC was a good start but we have a LOT more to do.
Tags: babywearing, blushes, brutus, Caroline, evan, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, NYC, pavo, school, shopping, siblings, soccer, target, tula
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »