Posts Tagged ‘dentist’
Saturday, February 11th, 2017
I was in a hurry to get this done because I thought I was still 2 weeks behind but that’s only because this week has been unbelievably long. I’m doing Weight Watchers again, and while I know it’s good for me, it means I literally just think about food all the time. Like right now. Fooooood.
So many couch naps this week
It turns out if you fold all the clothes, they DO fit in the drawer
Shopping buddies
Nappy while the robot vacuum cleans
Napping while the baby naps
This is giving me life now
Circle of neglect
Dentist day
This is the year they love the snow
He threw a fit about something so I took his picture but that makes him smile
REALLY CONFUSED by that toy screwdriver
Trying to eat the cat
Coffee making chaos
Bathtime chaos
Happy fat baby
He stole my phone, so there are 200 of these
Linc decided he loves hats
Picking out colors for their shelves
And then I took a nap, so I didn’t take any more pictures. The end.
I have made actual, discernable progress towards making my house into a place I like instead of just a place I live. As soon as I can talk my husband into helping me move the guest room furniture I can move most of the toys up there and then on the days when I can’t handle the mess I can just…shut the door. I’m very excited.
Tags: Caroline, cat, dentist, evan, finnegan, hats, home depot, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, naps, selfies, shopping, snow
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016
300 is a lot of weeks. When I started doing this, mostly as a joke, I was pregnant with Caroline. Now I’m only a couple weeks away from having a FOURTH child, which means I have documented every day of our lives through almost 6 years. Sometimes I wish I focused more on taking beautiful iPhone photos that made our lives look happier, cleaner, more photogenic than they really are. But then I look back at previous weeks and all I can think about is how nice it is to have these dumb, blurry, boring phone photos that would otherwise be deleted saved somewhere for me (and the kids) to look at. I mean, Week 3 was nothing special but looking at tiny Baby Evan is not a thing I will get tired of. I would regret it forever if I let this weekly post die now, even though doing it in a timely manner seems to be beyond me. We’ll give Baby 4 a chance to be overly photographed and documented for at least a few weeks before I think about giving it up again.
It’s too hot for pajamas OR covers, but Big Kids sleep in Big Kids beds
Brotherly tv watching
Or maybe he’s not a big kid, just a sweet lap nap baby
We meet some really interesting people while hunting Pokemon
Important research
Too hot for real life so we hang out in the only room with a/c
3 kids, 3 check ups, 0 cavities!
More hiding in the a/c
This only lasted 5 minutes
Chair stealer
Lake life
AMAZING light for my photo session
Which Pokemon is that?
More air conditioned fun
There’s a rat on my daughter!
Safety first when eating bread
Card night
Helping organize the cards
Good old-fashioned slip and slide fun
Watermelon stealer
It’s raining today, which means it’s cool enough in the house to actually BE in the house. I have big plans to Get Stuff Done – so far, some laundry, some dishes and this post are all checked off, let’s see if toy organization, finishing three photo sessions and napping happen. I feel like napping has a pretty good shot.
Tags: baby, beach, card night, Caroline, dentist, evan, food, friends, fun, harkness park, iphone photos, kids, lake, lake life, linc, my week in iphone photos, mystic aquarium, naps, pokemon go, siblings, summer
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 1 Comment »
Sunday, January 17th, 2016
January is just crawling by. It’s dark. It’s cold. The kids are making me INSANE every second they are home and not involved in a structured activity. They won’t stop torturing each other but they refuse to be separated. I feel so much sympathy for my own mother, since I’m pretty sure I was EXACTLY the same way with my sister as a child.
There was a thunderstorm, so Caroline tried to help Brutus be less scared
Frozen Monopoly
Linc cheering for the Golden Globes
Literally hiding from the whining
Judo time
Babies who are awake at 7 have to come to the cold bus stop
Dentist sunglasses
Thank blankie is the most disgusting thing I have EVER seen.
Loves swim
Love hoodies
I ordered this dress-up from China and it came in less than 2 weeks
Tiny sailor boy in his bunk
So cold, but so snuggly in his fox suit
By Grabthar’s Hammer, you will be missed
Friends let friends eat their extra waffles
Piano lessons
Bored at the very busy grocery store
2 am. Baby screaming in my face while I try to watch Friends. #blessed
Super happy about her baby oranges
OK, I guess comforting his crying sister means he isn’t THAT much of a jerk
I have my first photoshoot of the year tomorrow and there is SNOW on the ground. I don’t know if my clients are super thrilled but I sure am. It’s going to be gorgeous. But cold. Super cold. So I plan to spend the rest of the day (no school!) hiding under a blanket while my husband (no work!) keeps the children from killing each other. Because that is what I do on the days HE has work. I AM REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO IT.
Tags: babywearing, brutus, Caroline, cold, dentist, E, evan, friends, home, ipad, iphone photos, judo, linc, movies, my week in iphone photos, mystic seaport, piano, sad, shopping, swim, tv
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Sunday, June 21st, 2015
Schooooooooool’s out for summer! Caroline starts camp tomorrow AND she has her dance recital this week. She is going to be one tired girl by Saturday morning. I’m hoping that means she might sleep longer than 6 am.
For her last soccer game, Caroline played with the U8 team. She was half their size!
We all love #lakelife
We worked on our Father’s Day presents, which are late because E was SUPPOSED to be at sea. Although we are much happier having him home.
Glitter, the herpes of craft supplies
We put in a chin up bar for wrap swings
Little explorer
A+ dentist visit
Keeping the healthy baby away from the germs at his check-up
I cleaned out my purse. That’s just the trash.
I think my cat is plotting to kill me
Ice cream weirdos
He always sleeps like this
He really loves his foot
Hanging out
Baby friends!!!
Morning playdates are exhausting
Loooook at my fooooooot
I don’t know why.
Water break
Happy weekend!
E was supposed to be at sea but he is not, so we had a nice Father’s Day at the zoo followed by pulled pork and ice cream cake. The kids announced THEY had the best Father’s Day, so I think it was successful. I really like the kind of family fun day where no one has a giant meltdown and I get to eat ice cream cake.
Off topic: I got a Fitbit this week, and my desire to get to 10,000 steps a day has been GREAT motivation for me to move. I also really love that it’s giving me extra points in my Weight Watchers app, because ice cream cake.
Tags: #lakelife, babywearing, blushes, Caroline, dance, dentist, evan, iphone photos, lake, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, naps, party planning, wraps
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 1 Comment »
Sunday, December 21st, 2014
BIRTHDAY WEEK! Today, Sunday, the day after Caroline’s party, I’ve finally managed to think about the fact that Christmas is 4 days away and I can’t even FIND half the gifts I bought the kids (no for real, WHERE DID I HIDE THEM????).
I only burned myself three times and the beer was an effective painkiller.
Proud of his gold star from the dentist
Wraps make good blankets when you use the stroller
You brought me to a casino AGAIN?!
School uniforms don’t have sock and shoe requirements
She insisted on the jaunty hat
Screw you candy thermometer, you are USELESS
He’s disappointed none of those things are food
Daddy chat time
Outtake from my attempt at a santa baby picture. I have 30 more like this.
Cookie time with Aunt Carolyn
I do not want to talk about what is happening here.
Two fancy ladies at The Nutcracker
Two selfies in a row is ridiculous, but the birthday girl is too cute
A shark playing Pin The Tail On The Mermaid
In the Rainbow My Little Pony game, EVERYONE WINS
Tags: babywearing, baking, birthday, Caroline, Christmas, crafts, dentist, E, evan, family, fun, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, party, rainbows, shopping, tula, week in iphone photos, winter
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 2 Comments »