Posts Tagged ‘brutus’

Brutus 2006-2018

Wednesday, November 14th, 2018

Previously: 2013 photos of Brutus with the kids 

I’ve spent several days staring at this box on my computer trying to figure out the best way to say that my dog is dead.

I don’t want to say “We lost Brutus this weekend” because we didn’t lose him, the way you think of losing a dog. He didn’t run away, he’s not missing, there’s no chance he’s coming back.

I don’t want to say “Brutus died on Sunday” because he didn’t just die. It wasn’t that easy. He got sick, really sick, really fast and I spent a week talking to vets about whether or not we could help him before we had to make the terrible choice that we couldn’t.

I don’t want to say “I had to put Brutus to sleep” because he’s not fucking sleeping. He’s dead.

I don’t want to say “I had to do the kind thing and save Brutus from his suffering” because when it came down to it, I couldn’t even do that. I sent my husband to the vet with the dog while I took the kids to a birthday party, so I didn’t have to make the decision or tell the kids right away.

And now our dog is dead.

Up until Sunday, November 4th, Brutus was basically a puppy. He was hit by a car when he was 3 or 4. I saw it happen, he went completely under the wheel of a big SUV. I carried him home, threw my infant in the car, and rushed him to the vet. They looked him over and diagnosed…a scrape on his lip. That was it. No other damage. He loved other dogs so much that walking him on a leash was next to impossible. As soon as he saw a dog he’d drag you into the road to say hi, barking and yelping and totally freaking people out. He liked to talk by making these growling-grunting noises. It made him seem scary until you realized it was basically the dog version of purring. When he had cancer last year and had to have a toe removed, he was up and jumping around long before the wound healed and had to have it restitched twice because he couldn’t be still. He was an amazing guard dog, barking loudly and alarmingly at everyone who dared to walk past the house, but calming down when friends came in and he realized they were good humans.

After I posted on Facebook that Brutus was gone and people started sending their condolences, I realized how many people had known Brutus, just like they know my kids. So many friends have pet him and rubbed his ears. So many kids have climbed on him or used him as a pillow or fed him their cheese sticks. We’ve had him since before we had kids, before we bought a house, before we were even real adults. He’s given everyone he’s ever met so much love, and I hope he knew how much he was loved in return.

You’re a good boy, Brutus. We’ll miss you forever.

Brutus at 3 months old, in our old house, on our old couch, when my face didn’t look like I’ve been crying on and off for days:

I took the kids out this week to take pictures, just in case. I’m so glad I did.


Some December in Connecticut Stuff

Monday, December 11th, 2017

We had 6 inches of snow on Saturday, which was beautiful but incredibly inconvenient. It ruined my long-planned styled photo shoot with a whole bunch of very cold children, and then the roads were terrifying when Caroline and I attended the Nutcracker. I hate driving in the snow, even after a decade in New England. But we made it and had a lovely time. The boys stayed home with a babysitter – Evan was so excited to “get babysitted”, for some reason he thinks that’s the coolest – and she reported they were great. I guess I’ll know if she’s telling the truth if the next time I text her she’s unavailable forever. The roads were clear and the snow was still on the trees on Sunday, so we went back out to get a photo for the back of the Christmas card.The kids are hoping this is the start of a very snowy winter, which I am totally ok with as long as from now on I don’t have to leave the house during the storm.

Here’s an update in photos of what we’ve been up to in the past few weeks.

Poor Finnegan had his regular check-up this week, and what I thought was just a baby cold had turned into a double ear infection. You’d think a baby in that much pain would complain, but he’s just been a boogery ball of sunshine (except when you put him outside in the snow)(he haaaates the snow).

Caroline does not hate the snow.


My Week(345) in iPhone Photos

Saturday, July 22nd, 2017

This is stupid. I’m literally more than a month behind and I should just quit doing this. But it feels unfair to quit before Finnegan turns 1 so I guess I’ll make that my goal even posting iPhone photos from a month ago feels ridiculous.


Linc keeps dumping his bubbles on the floor then wondering why he doesn’t have any more bubbles

We basically live here at this point

Important learning stuff


Thrift shoppers

Trolls dance party on repeat

This is 1000% who Finn is as a person


I was attacked by a baby covered in…I don’t remember what.

Tiny Padawan

Nervous about his audiology exam



Waiting on our oil change

Peas in a pod


Not normal


Taking care of his doggy


Last day of school concert

Summer haircut

Hey, remember when my bathroom had walls?


Good bye Connecticut

This is how I know we’re close to my parent’s house – the temple in DC

Water baby

Today is catch-up day. I’m going to doing blog stuff, photography stuff, and lots and lots of house stuff. Tomorrow we do nothing but fun stuff because Lincoln is turning THREE and he gets to pick. I’m guessing it’s lots of Octonauts and ice cream, which I am totally OK with.


My Week(335) in iPhone Photos

Tuesday, April 18th, 2017

I had absolutely no idea I was three weeks behind until I tried to find photos from last week. I guess that means spring is making time go by faster, which is good, because this winter was approximately 746 months long.


I bought GIANT yarn because it would be fast, but I still haven’t finished

Gnocci with garlic bread from one of the boxes


Last minute book report finishing


Happy baby

Me: Evan, are you ok with Linc sleeping on you? Evan: Thumbs up.

Hurricane Lincoln


Letting the toddler get his own food so I can watch Jill’s Tuesday playdate


Too cool for my filters


Home Depot Helpers

Doing homework in the sunbeams

Evan was not interested in me today


He was so excited to be “uppa”

Mid-afternoon toddler crash

I don’t know why they’re yelling


Linc’s chores include letting the dog in and dumping all his food on the floor

Tired boy

In case she forgets her name


Chubby baby arms

These tiny beads are a pain but they keep the kids super busy


I think I lost a week because of spring break. It was a black hole of time, between my parents visiting and E’s work schedule changing and having all four kids to watch full time. It has made it very clear that my goal for the summer should be to make sure at least one kid is signed up for an activity every week. So far we have two Seaport camps, town day camp and VBS. Maybe I should look into farm camp for my horse and chicken obsessed daughter.

My Week(328) in iPhone Photos

Friday, February 17th, 2017

If the goal of the current administration is to make me feel like I’m living in The Upsidedown to the point where I can’t even watch the news anymore, GOOD JOB! Here’s last week, when I was only like, 75% burnt out on everything.


Home Depot trip

Super Bowl party food – made NONE of this

Finn making friends


This McD’s is determined not to close, despite the fact that it’s torn apart


New wall color in the kids’ room


Testing out the reading corner

Donut time

She already knows these


Linc stole my phone and took more pictures

These shoes are on kid #3!

A tiny bear helping me pick paint colors


I’m doing Weight Watchers again. Salad and tuna is my life.


We got a little snow


Sledding day

Too much snow to swing lolololol

It’s a tradition


Breakfast outfit

Snow cream for lunch

Two thumbs up for German Chocolate Cake

Today I cleaned out both dressers in the master bedroom and threw away all my underwear that didn’t fit or wasn’t comfortable. I have like 4 pairs left, but the fact that some of it was from HIGH SCHOOL means it definitely needed to be done. I still have a lot of work in the guest room, Linc’s room and the kid room to do, but at least now I’ve done something for my own benefit. If I keep being this stressed out the house should be totally clean before school gets out.