My Week(219) in iPhone Photos
It’s really cold. I have a lot of feelings about it being so cold, but they’re all very negative and I’m trying to remain upbeat. But basically, eff this effing weather and eff you January I hate you why can’t it be effing June already?
Irony: That wrap I’m wearing probably could have paid for the plumber to fix my dishwasher. BUT I’D RATHER DO IT MYSELF AND HAVE THE WRAP.
But gave up and stood inside staring out the window instead. Well, I stared. Linc continued to think he’s people.
Last week was our first week back at all our activities…and yet I completely forgot to go to them. We just skipped swim class. So my goal for this week is to make it to all our appointments and classes and activities and dinners and stuff. If you see me on Wednesday and my hair looks like crap, you’ll know I’ve already failed, since my hair appointment is TUESDAY.
And someone please fix this weather. Ok, good talk.
Tags: baby food, babywearing, Caroline, cleaning, cold, cooking, E, evan, family, food, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, naps, siblings, winter, wraps