Posts Tagged ‘hats’
Thursday, December 6th, 2018
Tags: Caroline, Christmas, Connecticut, ct, E, evan, family, finnegan, fun, hats, lincoln, norwich, norwich winterfest parade, norwich winterfest parade 2018, parade, Santa, well dressed wolf, winterfest
Posted in Connecticut, Photography | 1 Comment »
Saturday, July 22nd, 2017
This was Disney Week, which is incredibly depressing now. I mean, don’t get me wrong, looking at the pictures of our awesome time is awesome. But right now life is so so so so so soooooo not as fun and carefree and awesome as Disney World. Disney World had delicious food and working bathrooms. My house has Pop Tarts and construction.
Linc likes everything about Disney World
Including the hats
I liked my giant plate of seafood
Stitch can’t swim
Mickey cupcakes
Princess dinners
Happy place
Can we go back now?
Excellent lunch, would recommend
Finn meets a wookie
Test Track car A+ design skills
They loved meeting ALL the characters
Joy and Sadness
Considering we were there during a “busy” time, seating was never a problem
I made this the wallpaper on my phone
Back to the real world where everything isn’t shaped like Mickey
Big Kid
Looooooong driving day. Florida is very far away.
Ok, I made it. I think the next week is going to be a short post because I was so busy not doing ANYTHING that I barely took pictures. It was great.
Tags: animal kingdom, Caroline, castle, disney, disney world, driving, E, epcot, evan, family, finnegan, food, fun, hats, hollywood studios, iphone photos, lincoln, magic kingdom, mickey mouse, minnie mouse, my week in iphone photos, star wars, swimming, trip, vacation
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Saturday, February 11th, 2017
I was in a hurry to get this done because I thought I was still 2 weeks behind but that’s only because this week has been unbelievably long. I’m doing Weight Watchers again, and while I know it’s good for me, it means I literally just think about food all the time. Like right now. Fooooood.
So many couch naps this week
It turns out if you fold all the clothes, they DO fit in the drawer
Shopping buddies
Nappy while the robot vacuum cleans
Napping while the baby naps
This is giving me life now
Circle of neglect
Dentist day
This is the year they love the snow
He threw a fit about something so I took his picture but that makes him smile
REALLY CONFUSED by that toy screwdriver
Trying to eat the cat
Coffee making chaos
Bathtime chaos
Happy fat baby
He stole my phone, so there are 200 of these
Linc decided he loves hats
Picking out colors for their shelves
And then I took a nap, so I didn’t take any more pictures. The end.
I have made actual, discernable progress towards making my house into a place I like instead of just a place I live. As soon as I can talk my husband into helping me move the guest room furniture I can move most of the toys up there and then on the days when I can’t handle the mess I can just…shut the door. I’m very excited.
Tags: Caroline, cat, dentist, evan, finnegan, hats, home depot, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, naps, selfies, shopping, snow
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Sunday, June 2nd, 2013
Because these pictures are already a couple weeks old and if I don’t put them up now I never will.
Tags: beach, Caroline, Connecticut, evan, fun, hats, niantic, photography, spring
Posted in The Rest | 1 Comment »
Friday, March 9th, 2012
My best internet friend Amy and I had such a good time checking out everyone’s childhood Halloween costumes we decided to do another vintage link-up for Easter. Did you wear white patent leather shoes? Did you insist on a spring dress even though it was freezing cold? Were you a fan of the traditional Easter bonnet? Did your mother dress you up as a bunny? (PLEASE, someone, share that picture!)

Matching dresses and bonnets. Doesn't my sister look THRILLED?
We’ll be posting photos of our best Easter outfits on April 2nd and will leave the linky open until the Monday after Easter, so you have plenty of time to track down your old albums or ask your mom to drag them out of the attic. I hope you’ll join us!
Tags: childhood, easter, fashion, hats, link up, linky, sister, vintage
Posted in The Rest | 2 Comments »