My Week(300) in iPhone Photos
300 is a lot of weeks. When I started doing this, mostly as a joke, I was pregnant with Caroline. Now I’m only a couple weeks away from having a FOURTH child, which means I have documented every day of our lives through almost 6 years. Sometimes I wish I focused more on taking beautiful iPhone photos that made our lives look happier, cleaner, more photogenic than they really are. But then I look back at previous weeks and all I can think about is how nice it is to have these dumb, blurry, boring phone photos that would otherwise be deleted saved somewhere for me (and the kids) to look at. I mean, Week 3 was nothing special but looking at tiny Baby Evan is not a thing I will get tired of. I would regret it forever if I let this weekly post die now, even though doing it in a timely manner seems to be beyond me. We’ll give Baby 4 a chance to be overly photographed and documented for at least a few weeks before I think about giving it up again.

It’s too hot for pajamas OR covers, but Big Kids sleep in Big Kids beds

Brotherly tv watching

Or maybe he’s not a big kid, just a sweet lap nap baby

We meet some really interesting people while hunting Pokemon

Important research

Too hot for real life so we hang out in the only room with a/c

3 kids, 3 check ups, 0 cavities!

More hiding in the a/c

This only lasted 5 minutes

Chair stealer

Lake life

AMAZING light for my photo session

Which Pokemon is that?

More air conditioned fun

There’s a rat on my daughter!

Safety first when eating bread

Card night

Helping organize the cards

Good old-fashioned slip and slide fun

Watermelon stealer

It’s raining today, which means it’s cool enough in the house to actually BE in the house. I have big plans to Get Stuff Done – so far, some laundry, some dishes and this post are all checked off, let’s see if toy organization, finishing three photo sessions and napping happen. I feel like napping has a pretty good shot.
Tags: baby, beach, card night, Caroline, dentist, evan, food, friends, fun, harkness park, iphone photos, kids, lake, lake life, linc, my week in iphone photos, mystic aquarium, naps, pokemon go, siblings, summer
I’ve been meaning to ask you – what is the game you pay with the 1000s of cards? My boys (13 & 11) have just getting into cards and am keen to learn new games. Also, as the youngest (although ‘only’ of 3) you absolutely have to keep going with the iphone photos for the 4th bebeh. And because it’ll NEVER be even, you’ll have to start winding down taking pics of the older kids….good luck with that, wish I hadn’t mentioned it now ;-) Good luck with the last stages of this ‘last’ pregnancy too xxxx