Posts Tagged ‘selfies’
Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017
My husband does this thing where he sits right next to me on the couch and checks my blog. I often point out to him if he hasn’t SEEN me blogging it probably didn’t happen, because my hands are pretty full during the day. He still checks it. I mean, at least it’s nice to have a loyal reader even though I suck at updating?
Little boy in a big bed
Obviously very good at Sundays
Decorating their new marble jars
There are at least 2 dozen people who had my old password saved in their phones, so this will make the new router easier for everyone
CL A M and G I F T
He is a fan of baby yogurt
Toddlersplaining granola bars to me
Unsure about selfies
I call these my unicorn shoes
He’s so big now
This was his 2016 computer project
I ate these too fast. I need more.
Cute, but such a mess
These two <3 <3
Couch naps
The sunset was really pretty but I was too tired to go outside to take a picture
Sleeping in a closet
Superheroes vs Jedi
It felt like spring today, but the rest of the week is going back to miserable and cold. At this point, even my mega-dose of Vitamin D every day isn’t going to be able to keep me from becoming despondent. I NEED SUNSHINE AND WARMTH. I am a lizard who is going to die if I can’t warm my body naturally. Or at least I feel like one, because our heat has made the air in the house so dry my face is starting to peel off.
Tags: bus stop, Caroline, E, evan, family, finnegan, food, homework, iphone photos, kids, lincoln, moana, my week in iphone photos, naps, pralines, school, selfies
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 1 Comment »
Saturday, February 11th, 2017
I was in a hurry to get this done because I thought I was still 2 weeks behind but that’s only because this week has been unbelievably long. I’m doing Weight Watchers again, and while I know it’s good for me, it means I literally just think about food all the time. Like right now. Fooooood.
So many couch naps this week
It turns out if you fold all the clothes, they DO fit in the drawer
Shopping buddies
Nappy while the robot vacuum cleans
Napping while the baby naps
This is giving me life now
Circle of neglect
Dentist day
This is the year they love the snow
He threw a fit about something so I took his picture but that makes him smile
REALLY CONFUSED by that toy screwdriver
Trying to eat the cat
Coffee making chaos
Bathtime chaos
Happy fat baby
He stole my phone, so there are 200 of these
Linc decided he loves hats
Picking out colors for their shelves
And then I took a nap, so I didn’t take any more pictures. The end.
I have made actual, discernable progress towards making my house into a place I like instead of just a place I live. As soon as I can talk my husband into helping me move the guest room furniture I can move most of the toys up there and then on the days when I can’t handle the mess I can just…shut the door. I’m very excited.
Tags: Caroline, cat, dentist, evan, finnegan, hats, home depot, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, naps, selfies, shopping, snow
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Monday, November 30th, 2015
My photos this week are terrible because I used my actual camera so much I kept forgetting my phone. I promise to post a whole bunch (probably way too many) of those photos as soon as I finish my client editing.
Lincoln really loves Caroline
Pimp my Cozy Coupe
I caught craft herpes from glitter tulle
Outlet shopping in style
Very important iPad work
I wore this baby so much this week
My face is horrible, but Linc is waving goodbye to Target, because Target is our BFF
The pre-Christmas toy purge
Ballet waiting room selfie
15 Month check-up
Poor Brutus misses his kids when they’re at school
Pie maker
Fascinated by the parade, AS THEY SHOULD BE
I escaped my family to photograph a brand new baby
My 8 lb turkey looks so sad on that huge plate
Christmas Tree farm selfie
Dinner selfie
Walking home in the dark selfie
Early Christmas present
The dudes really like the new Star Wars game
You can’t see the mess in the dark
Despite both grown ups in our house being sick at least part of the holiday weekend, we managed to get our tree, decorate, and do a large number of Christmasy-things. I have a bunch of cleaning to catch up on, since that’s always the first thing that goes when you’re not feeling great, but I’m feeling super motivated knowing I have less than 2 weeks until Caroline’s party. Fingers crossed I can get the early prep done so I have time to actually make food. It would help if I started a menu…
Tags: babywearing, babywearing selfies, baking, Caroline, Christmas, Connecticut, E, evan, food, fun, holidays, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, selfies, shopping, target, thanksgiving, toys
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Sunday, November 22nd, 2015
Last week I went to Ulta and spent a bunch of money on makeup. I haven’t bought real makeup in a really, really long time and I don’t think I’ve ever bought all the things the sales girl recommended. Because it’s really expensive. But I’ve been feeling really old (even with blue hair) and I’ve been super unhappy when I look in the mirror, so spending a little (a lot) to feel better seemed reasonable. And you know what? My selfie ratio has gone way, way up and when I walked past a mirror today I was surprised to see someone who looked so happy. I think it was money well spent. Please enjoy a lot of selfies this week.
Beautiful morning in our postcard downtown
Caroline loves church because a) coloring and b) coffee hour
Cotton candy sky
His favorite spot is on my back, even when I’m not wearing him
Totally normal grocery shopping
Sleeping like a posed newborn baby
The sun starts to set before the bus even comes
This coat was an excellent purchase
Waving at the big girl ballerinas
Nursing, sleeping baby in Target
Even the filler paper from Shop Sweet Lulu was fun
Stars in his eyes
So November
They asked me to take this photo
Birthday invites from Jumping Jax Designs come with goodies
Baby sword fights seem like a wise choice
This weather can stay
No nap baby can’t stay awake when he’s wrapped
Raking is the worst
That house is called Greene Gables. They’re not green and it’s pretty abandonded, but I was still pretty excited.
Pile of gravel + waterfall = best day for a 6 year old
Tags: babywearing, Caroline, church, evan, fall, family, friends, fun, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, nap, party planning, selfies, shopping, tula, woven wrap
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Sunday, February 8th, 2015
There was a lot of babywearing this week because the weather was bad and we didn’t go many places.
My first baby whose head isn’t the least bit flat
All natural teether
Brotherly love
Superbowl hangover
Still loves the neck floaty
How’s my hair?
2.5 hours like this, while I did ALL the laundry
Good dog Brutus
Spirit week: Wacky Day
Baby’s First Button Down
Is it clear yet that a) I love back carries and b) I REALLY need a good anti-aging moisturizer?
When you have this much snow, you have to actually REMOVE it, not just plow it.
Spirit Week: Storybook Character Day
My Lego Star Wars game brings all the boys to the yard
Spirit Week: Fancy Day
MomFest Rainbow Playdate
This one is my new favorite
My eyes do that exact same uneven thing
How he is managing to sleep like that I have NO idea
We taught someone else Hand & Foot so now we can play ALL THE TIME.
I am going to finish this, publish it, feed the baby and then go to the grocery store at 9 pm because that sounds way better than going with all 3 kids in the snow tomorrow. Uggggggghhhhhhhhh. Seriously, can it be May now?
Tags: babywearing, brothers, cards, Caroline, evan, friends, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, otteroo, pavo, rainbows, school, selfies, snow, swimming, tula, winter
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 2 Comments »