Posts Tagged ‘book barn’
Wednesday, August 16th, 2017
I AM SO READY TO HAVE CONSTRUCTION PEOPLE OUT OF MY HOUSE FOREVER. I swear to god, the number one advantage in DIY home improvement isn’t cost, it’s the fact that you can stop and use your kitchen to make a sandwich if you want without being in anyone’s way.
Someone made some poor choices
Really tired of gymnastics nursing
Still asleep when it’s time to leave for camp
Book Barn adventures
Why do we even own toys?
I swear I’ve taken this photo every week all summer
Watching for ugly fish
Littlest aquarium fan
He refused to move until I took his picture
You can see through my walls
Playing in the water
Waiting for the bridge to go up
I took a picture so I could go buy an identical diverter and I still got the wrong one
No stop don’t run away
I don’t know what’s behind me
Being an A+ big sister
Seussian shenanigans
Thing 1 and Thing 2
Super cool art and play space
I’m trying to pick a grey paint color again and it’s making me insane. Because why not spend three days agonizing over paint colors when the painting has to be done by Saturday?
Tags: book barn, Caroline, dr. seuss, evan, finnegan, iphone photos, kitchen, lincoln, massachusetts, my week in iphone photos, mystic, mystic aquarium, mystic seaport, naps, springfield museums
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Sunday, May 22nd, 2016
I spent a lot of time doing fun me-things this week, like shooting photo sessions and getting my hair done. I even took a nap. It was like a mini-vacation before we go on REAL VACATION. I am very, very excited about real vacation.
Helping to do some deep cleaning
Helping to let the dog out
Helping give loves
He is convinced he is getting away with something
I LOVE my hair, and my hairdresser
Evan LOVES our baby friends (even though she is almost 3 and not much of a baby)
Looking for the anteater
That looks safe.
I think he is part mountain goat
Or maybe he is just part SPIDERMAN
Peek a boo!
Listening to the fire trucks
My hair matches my wrap
Shopping assistant
Just your regular pirate ship at the bookstore
My children love these things
New books = peace
I finally asked the elementary school when, exactly, the children get out for the summer and was pleasantly surprised it’s sooner rather than much, much later. I sent in our membership fee for the lake this week too, so pretty soon all of our life will be #lakelife and I will be a very happy, relaxed pregnant lady who can just float on a big tube and feed the children watermelon and chips.
Until then I’m going to just sit on the couch and feed the children watermelon and chips, but I will feel MUCH guiltier about it.
Tags: babywearing, book barn, Caroline, coogans farm, E, evan, family, front porch, fun, hair, house, iphone photos, judo, lincoln, love, my week in iphone photos, mystic, shopping, siblings, zoo
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Sunday, September 6th, 2015
First full week of school, last weekend of the summer. The transition is going as well as I can expect, which is to say the kids are taking turns being COMPLETLY exhausted and having breakdowns. And Linc thinks he’s suddenly grown.
Babywearing runs in the family
Big kid doing big kid stuff
Driving the playscape
Don’t look so judgy baby, it’s just a liquor store run.
Apparently he’s allergic to…something? I think it’s the baby wipes.
He’s obsessed
I tried wearing lipstick. Linc thinks it’s a mistake. I think I agree.
I joked that he was going to sleep in her bed and she was not amused
Jogging! For like, 4 seconds. But I want credit.
Connecticut ends here
His new favorite spot
Niantic is adorable
The kids were super excited about the babywearing in this book.
Apparently no one else wanted to spend a gorgeous Saturday at the lake. Idiots.
I brought all the car wraps in to wash them. Such a pretty pile.
So I guess he’s just big now.
We have one last #lakelife day tomorrow as long as Evan doesn’t sleep the entire day. Or I do. 8 hours of sleep would be a dream come true and because Linc didn’t get ANY nap today I have my fingers crossed he’ll let me sleep in. Our fall activity schedule starts this week and then goes into full crazy mode next week so I need as much rest as I can get. I’m already reminding myself that I did this to myself and it won’t last forever. I suspect in the spring we’ll sign up for exactly zero things to recover.
Tags: #lakelife, babywearing, beach, bluff point, book barn, Caroline, Connecticut, evan, joovy cocoon, lincoln, niantic, school, shopping, tula, woven wrap
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 1 Comment »
Sunday, August 30th, 2015
The kids went back to school this week, which mean my photos are going to be Linc-heavy for next…forever.
Grocery store assistant
High chair? Why would I need a high chair?
Where am I?! What year is this???
Preparing for her show
I bleach shampooed my hair. I’ll do a real post about it but the short review is A++
Babies are hilarious
Evan agrees. Babies, man.
How we got through Back to School night
First day of school! BUH-BYE!
A rainbow wrap and a pink truck. MY KID IS DOOOOOOMED.
The Book Barn is my new favorite
Aquarium playdate
Starting her young
Waving bye-bye to the bus is super fun
Living the toddler dream
Fair Life
I’m not sure we brought enough watermelon
He’s going to miss eating sand SO MUCH
Blankets are pretty much his favorite thing in the whole world
I am SO happy to have the kids back at school, even though school brings a whole new level of stress and deadlines and homework and one zillion pieces of paper that need my attention. They need the structure of school and the friends and the break from me (and my often short temper) right now. I figure by Christmas we’ll all be super excited to hang out together again. Right now I’m just going to enjoy the crap out of my one tiny baby who can’t talk back.
And if I say “Christmas” again before December, please punch me in the face.
Tags: #lakelife, amos lake, babywearing, book barn, brooklyn fair, Caroline, evan, fair, food, iphone photos, lake, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, mystic aquarium, school, shopping, tula, woven wrap
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