Posts Tagged ‘bluff point’
Tuesday, August 15th, 2017
My husband just got back from severals weeks underway on his submarine, so the amount of laundry in my house went from “a lot but almost manageable” to “mountains”. I’m going to catch up on these posts in the moments when I can’t handle folding one more plain white undershirt.
Really excited about his insane milkshake
Making the exact same face as Evan above
He loves this, I swear
Upsidedown Lincoln
Lego Batman on repeat
Sunflower day
Family picture
Ready for the cow train
I’m signing him up for gymnastics
Friends who love your baby are the best
The ocean
Looking for rocks
The kids were fascinated with this thing at Stop & Shop
More lake
Finn really likes Cheetos
Pretending I’m a good Navy spouse by making calendar pages
In between laundry loads I also managed to order the week’s groceries and plan the kids fall activities schedule with reminders to register them for various activities as soon as they open. I still need to find Lincoln a morning activity besides swim (the gymnastic class I wanted is only in the afternoon) to help him get some of his wiggles out before afternoon pre-k. The plan is to make all four children as tired as possible so they go to bed by 7:30 every night. A+ PARENTING.
Tags: amos lake, beach, bluff point, buttonwoods, Caroline, evan, finnegan, food, groton, iphone photos, lake, lake life, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, shopping, sugar factory, sunflowers
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Monday, May 8th, 2017
I should he packing but I also figured I should get my blog up to date because I’m going to a blogger conference. So I’ll probably forget my underwear but at least anyone who looks will know what we did two weeks ago.
“Mommy take my picture on this rock like a magestic unicorn”
New England baby doesn’t care the water is freezing
Muffin helper
Chopping down a tree
INSISTS on walking on walls, even when blocked by bushes
Peek a boo
More naps
He loves feet
Puddle jumper
More naps
Running in the daffodils
I love this view
Fresh eggs are the best eggs
Photographed a wedding at a castle!
Making mud pie on the back steps. In his pajamas.
I am watching Animaniacs with my children and trying to decide how many jokes to explain to them. Is “Boo-ryshikov” the chicken still funny if you don’t know there’s a person named Baryshnikov?
Considering how hard they are laughing, I think the answer is yes.
Tags: baby, babywearing, bluff point, Caroline, Connecticut, cooking, couch naps, E, eggs, evan, film, finnegan, harkness, hiking, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, naps, ocean, photos, walks
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Monday, April 24th, 2017
During spring break we took the kids to Old Sturbridge Village, which is one of our favorite places. We only made it 45 minutes before Evan started complaining his feet hurt, and after 3 hours all the kids were D O N E with the walking and looking at stuff and waiting a whole 10 minutes for a carriage ride. It does not fill me with confidence that our trip to Disney World will go well.
(Have I told you we’re going to Disney World??? We’re going to Disney World! I am SO EXCITED.)
The kids don’t know we’re going yet. I’m not planning to tell them anytime soon. But I do need them to get used to walking, so I’m instituting the Disney Training Plan. Basically, that just means we’re spending a lot more time hiking and a lot less time watching Netflix between now and June.
But I’m not trying to make their lives miserable, I’m just trying to whip them into shape, so I’ve planned our hikes in places they will have fun. I need them to enjoy the walking now so they will REALLY enjoy the walking when it’s between rides and parades and restaurants in Florida. Our first training day involved a 3.5 mile hike around Bluff Point. I wore Finn, Evan and Caroline walked the whole way, and Linc did about half walking, half in the Tula on E’s back. We all survived!
He really wasn’t as annoyed as he looks in that last photo.
Everyone went to bed very early with no argument tonight. I think *I* am going to need the longest to recover, I haven’t hiked with a baby on my back since last spring and it’s a lot of work when you have a super chunk for an 8-month-old. Our next walk will be a nice short one around the neighborhood, then a longer hike again. I’ll let you know how the Disney Training Program worked out once I force them to walk 10 miles a day for four days. I figure if we all survive, that’s a success.
Tags: bluff point, Caroline, Connecticut, evan, family, finnegan, hike, lincoln, ocean, photography, walking
Posted in Connecticut | 3 Comments »
Monday, May 16th, 2016
I have very few complaints about this week, except for a general lack of sleeping that comes from later kid bedtimes due to late sunsets and pregnancy insomnia. I still feel like I can sleep for 18 hours straight if given the opportunity. I will probably feel like that for the next 2 years.
After church coffee hour has the best snacks (if you are 5)
Looking at this picture makes me want to bake another cake
Mother’s Day bubble bath
Who care’s about hearing the baby when there are cars to look at?
Kissing Brutus goodnight before naps
My tree has a child infestation
Merida wears cloth diapers
Linc loves selfies
Wise choices
He refused to eat those fries because they are shaped like faces
One billion photos were taken
That’s a lighthouse you can almost see, because this is New England
Throwing rocks with friends is the best
He LOVED the sprinkler
It turns out bouncing is more fun with friends
Seriously, Mom, can’t we get AIOs? I’m so tired of stuffing diapers.
Your weekly twinsie photo update. They’re getting so big!
Fun fact: bounce houses are really slippery when they get rained on
Hello Long Island!!
FINALLY planting time
Today’s weather feels like March, not May. It’s actually probably a good thing, since the warm, beachy weather was making it REALLY hard for me to keep doing boring stuff like sending the kids to school or enforcing healthy meal choices or going to piano lessons. I have a serious case of End Of The Year Mom and I’m not even sorry. Since it’s too cold for the beach today maybe I’ll actually get some laundry done instead. Maybe.
Tags: beach, bluff point, brutus, Caroline, cloth diapers, evan, family, flowers, food, friends, fun, iphone photos, linc, my week in iphone photos, new london, orchard, spring
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Monday, March 14th, 2016
I am STILL trying to get over this cold/sinus thing/allergies???????/whatever it is that makes my face hurt all the time. There are days where I feel totally fine and days where I feel like I might actually die. The doctor’s office keeps telling me to try a saline nose spray and a humidifier but that’s helping about as much as hitting myself in the face with a hammer would. Maybe I should try that instead.
New car seat in the back = BFFs are very happy
Crazy farm kids
Editing goat pictures, watching the Harry Potter marathon
No Linc, that is not your seat
Beach weather for a New England baby
Doing important baby work
That’s a happy scream
Dudes doing their Insanity workout
Still not sure about swim
70 degrees = time to go in the ocean
Trying and failing to calibrate my 50 mm
Tree climbing shoes
Lying on the couch being sick while my A+++ husband cleans
Style Video Show Time!
Link to Caroline’s video is here!
Game night!
Caroline and Maggie, twinning at the outlets
We put the babies to work making dinner
BREAKING NEWS! I finally got ahold of my OB and she said I can take Tylenol Cold and Sinus if my head REALLY hurts and I’m REALLY sure it’s not just a regular headache. Going immediately to the store for both meds and a pint of Ben & Jerry’s, since that will definitely improve both my pain and my mood.
First I need to convince the toddler he doesn’t need to bring BOTH lightsabers with us. That seems excessive.
Tags: baby goats, beach, bluff point, cards, Caroline, caroline's style video show, cooking, E, evan, friends, goats, husband, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, shopping, spring, visiting
Posted in The Rest | 5 Comments »