Posts Tagged ‘niantic’
Wednesday, September 20th, 2017
I can barely remember this week. I can barely remember yesterday. I can barely remember my own name.
Everyone loves our new washer
Matching dinners
I bought a mop.
Rocks we found at the park!
Back to school night hot dogs
He looks so smug
Checking out the white rhinos
Kangaroos know how to relax
Never holds still
Checking out his new playground
Cupcake destroyer
I cleaned downstairs. I cleaned upstairs. I came downstairs to this.
Not excited about school.
Everyone home again and back to chaos
Slowly moving marbles
Cream cheese face
Still learning how to selfie
Rock hunting
Caroline was convinced she could climb this tree
The Niantic turtle
Today, my little baby Finnegan learned how to climb up onto the couch. He still does not know how to climb OFF the couch safely, so my stress level is pretty high. Keeping him from cracking his head open is not my favorite way to spend our afternoons, but then again the ER waiting room would definitely be worse.
I got rid of the old sink from before our bathroom reno today. It feels like a huge accomplishment because it’s been just taking up space in the nursery for months now. Hopefully I can keep taking tiny productive steps until the house is truly clean and organized.
Tags: babywearing, bus stop, Caroline, evan, finnegan, fun, iphone photos, lincoln, massachusetts, mohegan park, my week in iphone photos, niantic, rocks, school, selfie, southwicks zoo
Posted in The Rest | No Comments »
Sunday, September 6th, 2015
First full week of school, last weekend of the summer. The transition is going as well as I can expect, which is to say the kids are taking turns being COMPLETLY exhausted and having breakdowns. And Linc thinks he’s suddenly grown.
Babywearing runs in the family
Big kid doing big kid stuff
Driving the playscape
Don’t look so judgy baby, it’s just a liquor store run.
Apparently he’s allergic to…something? I think it’s the baby wipes.
He’s obsessed
I tried wearing lipstick. Linc thinks it’s a mistake. I think I agree.
I joked that he was going to sleep in her bed and she was not amused
Jogging! For like, 4 seconds. But I want credit.
Connecticut ends here
His new favorite spot
Niantic is adorable
The kids were super excited about the babywearing in this book.
Apparently no one else wanted to spend a gorgeous Saturday at the lake. Idiots.
I brought all the car wraps in to wash them. Such a pretty pile.
So I guess he’s just big now.
We have one last #lakelife day tomorrow as long as Evan doesn’t sleep the entire day. Or I do. 8 hours of sleep would be a dream come true and because Linc didn’t get ANY nap today I have my fingers crossed he’ll let me sleep in. Our fall activity schedule starts this week and then goes into full crazy mode next week so I need as much rest as I can get. I’m already reminding myself that I did this to myself and it won’t last forever. I suspect in the spring we’ll sign up for exactly zero things to recover.
Tags: #lakelife, babywearing, beach, bluff point, book barn, Caroline, Connecticut, evan, joovy cocoon, lincoln, niantic, school, shopping, tula, woven wrap
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 1 Comment »
Sunday, September 1st, 2013
Last week of summer, first week of school! Except I just realized today Labor Day means no school for anyone tomorrow, so we can fit in one more beach/fun day before we start a regular schedule.
Apparently this is the only photo I took on Sunday. I can’t even remember Sunday. Did Sunday even happen?
Nothing like a nuclear power plant to add to my scenic beach photos
I love this beach
The most adorable ice cream and candy store in the world
She changed her mind about the birds. NO BIRDS, MOMMY.
Sea lion show. My kids can name all the sea lions.
Grilled cheese of the day: Basil pesto, artichokes, tomatoes, mozzarella on Italian bread.
In this episode, Spiderman joins S.H.I.E.L.D. I had to Google to find out if that was accurate (it is).
Evan’s favorite part of his new school: cool sinks.
Orientation is EXHAUSTING.
Ready to go!
The cat loves Caroline
Playing “Tick-tock croc eats Captain Hook!” while we wait for the bus
She is loving our outside play time while we wait for the bus. It makes me feel bad we never use our (very tiny) front yard.
What do you wear when it’s 80 degrees?
Craft store…
…pretzel burger…
…and Sherlock. PERFECT SATURDAY.
I’m so excited Evan likes school, the bus situation seems to be working out, and that when Caroline starts school on Tuesday I will be able to get back to a regular schedule for me too. I loved going to the gym last year, but totally failed during the summer. I need to get exercise back on my list of priorities, if only because I have to be in better shape to work as a photographer. Taking newborn photos is like doing 200 squats. I’m going to have buns of steel if people keep hiring me.
Tags: beach, Caroline, cat, Connecticut, evan, family, food, iphone photos, my week in iphone photos, mystic, mystic aquarium, niantic, school, shopping, tv
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Sunday, July 28th, 2013
Our week was busy, except for when it wasn’t because of the pouring rain and flash floods. But mostly busy.
I mean, I only have three doll houses, why not buy another one? (I did not)
Caroline is destined for music videos with lots of mind machines
I appreciate how the trees on the point hide most of the nuclear power plant. More scenic.
I’ve never actually seen the state capitol before
Confucius say: Give a man $120 and he will give you an LLC.
Sometimes I take pictures of stuff I want to remember to keep on my phone, but then I forgot to leave them on my phone.
The local tax office is located in part of an old TB hospital.
We love the sunflowers
Really excited for gymnastics
Playdates make me hungry, and this was super delicious
I told Evan he is my photography assistant, and he said that means he has to push the stroller.
Grocery store in the pouring rain
Destroying the house and having pillow fights in the pouring rain
Watching Thor in the pouring rain
Princess Sadface returns
Five kids under a table.
Despite that face, the rainbow ice was delicious.
Home run!!
I never should have showed her how the front-facing camera works.
Restarted C25K. This time I am determined to finish.
The urgency to do as many things and have as much fun as possible before summer is over has hit. I was actually grateful for a rainy miserable day to stay home and relax (even though we ended up having friends over and totally wearing out my kids). July is almost over and August is going to FLY by and then Evan starts 5 days a week morning pre-k, which I am both totally ready and not at all ready for. They grow up so fast, etc etc, but I’m looking forward to a new stage where I have a lot more time to focus on things I love (especially photography) instead of just being Mommy.
Tags: baseball, boston, bozrah, c25k, Caroline, Connecticut, evan, farmers market, flea market, food, friends, ginger snaps pictures, gymnastics, hartford, my week in iphone photos, niantic, red sox, shopping, sunflowers, week in iphone photos
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, July 24th, 2013
P.S. I changed some of the settings on my computer to try and get more accurate color and brightness calibration but until I get a real colorimeter my photos might look too bright/weird. I promise I’m fixing it!
Tags: beach, Caroline, Connecticut, dad's, E, evan, family, food, fun, niantic, ocean, summer, water, wordless wednesday
Posted in Wordless Wednesday | 3 Comments »