My Week(243) in iPhone Photos
Caroline had morning day camp at Mystic Seaport last week, so we were out of the house Doing Stuff almost every day. Doing stuff is really fun, but I might not be up for stuff every day. Maybe every other day. This coming week Evan has full day Seaport Camp, so we’ll do even more stuff. I am both excited and already tired.
I can’t believe it’s already the last week of June. I keep having to triple check the calendar to make sure I’m not on the wrong month. I have less than 4 weeks before Lincoln turns one and before his birthday party. I ordered a ton of birthday stuff but have no actual decorating plans beyond “hang up some sparkly stuff” and “maybe cake?” Luckily we have a bunch of family coming, so I will have people to help me cut up one zillion foods into star shapes.
It is freezing cold today but the forecast for the rest of the week looks perfect for lots of #lakelife fun. So far it’s been a pretty good summer.
Tags: baby friends, babywearing, bounce house, Caroline, dance, evan, family, fun, lincoln, mystic seaport, naps, olde mystic village, providence, roger williams park zoo, seaport, zoo
Love the picture of Linc standing over the baby!
OMG WITH THOSE EYELASHES. Please tell me they’re falsies. Tell me she doesn’t have eyelashes a mile long and perfectly curved. I’m not sure my ego can handle being so jealous of a preschooler.
I’m sorry, they’re real. She wouldn’t even let me touch them with the eyelash curler.