Posts Tagged ‘buttonwoods’
Thursday, August 9th, 2018
Previous year Sunflowers for Wishes: 2013 2012 2011 2010
Apparently, I didn’t manage to blog our trip last year, even though I know we went. I have one picture in my 365 project but I remember it being REALLY hot and crowded so I don’t think I took many photos.
This year was not at all crowded and only a little bit hot. I took a ton of pictures.
Key lime & chocolate brownie batter
Lavender honey
Peppermint stick
Tags: buttonwood, buttonwoods, Caroline, Connecticut, evan, finnegan, flowers, griswold, ice cream, july, kids, lincoln, photography, summer, sunflowers, sunflowers for wishes
Posted in Connecticut, Photography, The Rest | No Comments »
Tuesday, August 15th, 2017
My husband just got back from severals weeks underway on his submarine, so the amount of laundry in my house went from “a lot but almost manageable” to “mountains”. I’m going to catch up on these posts in the moments when I can’t handle folding one more plain white undershirt.
Really excited about his insane milkshake
Making the exact same face as Evan above
He loves this, I swear
Upsidedown Lincoln
Lego Batman on repeat
Sunflower day
Family picture
Ready for the cow train
I’m signing him up for gymnastics
Friends who love your baby are the best
The ocean
Looking for rocks
The kids were fascinated with this thing at Stop & Shop
More lake
Finn really likes Cheetos
Pretending I’m a good Navy spouse by making calendar pages
In between laundry loads I also managed to order the week’s groceries and plan the kids fall activities schedule with reminders to register them for various activities as soon as they open. I still need to find Lincoln a morning activity besides swim (the gymnastic class I wanted is only in the afternoon) to help him get some of his wiggles out before afternoon pre-k. The plan is to make all four children as tired as possible so they go to bed by 7:30 every night. A+ PARENTING.
Tags: amos lake, beach, bluff point, buttonwoods, Caroline, evan, finnegan, food, groton, iphone photos, lake, lake life, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, shopping, sugar factory, sunflowers
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Monday, October 19th, 2015
I read a thing the other day that said October is for photographer what April is for accountants. It’s absolutely true. I love being busy but this time of year Ginger Snaps sort of takes over my life and I’m working constantly to keep on top of my editing. What I’m saying is, this post (and probably every other post until Christmas) is late.
They could do this for hours
Church fashion (and cookies)
Caroline’s scarecrow is named Olivia and is truly terrifying
I am unable to do anything but sing Home on the Range when I see these photos
Linc has already perfected his photobomb skills
They did this for a good 10 minutes straight
Rainbow – and a super high tide – at Bluff Point
No nap grumpy pants has to come to the bus stop
THERE’S the nap. At 5 pm.
Shopping for tunic tops to match my crazy leggings
Great sunset! Too bad it happened 10 minutes into soccer practice.
Elf baby
Post swim fashion choices
He is convinced this is his new chair
We’re about 2 weeks away from pitch-black morning bus stop
Both of these toddlers were pretty pleased with themselves
That corner of his blanket is SO GROSS
I can’t remember the last time I was actually outside and happy to see sunrise
Dadding like a boss
The most amusing part of our casino date night was this glitter alllllllll over the floor of the women’s room
I have like a billion phone photos I didn’t post this week, just because no one needs to see EVERY kind of beer I drank at Oktoberfest or ALL the corn maze selfies. But if you like these posts and don’t follow me on Instagram, you should do that. I try not to repeat stuff, so my feed over there is generally better than these.
Now I’m going to try to edit three photo sessions AND clean my house while Linc hangs on my knees and begs me to help him put a hat on so he can rip it off over and over and over. I’m optimistic.
Tags: babywearing, bluff point, bus stop, buttonwoods, Caroline, church, creamery brook bison, E, evan, fall, foxwoods, fun, lincoln, mystic seaport, nursing, shopping, siblings, soccer, target, tula
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Friday, October 16th, 2015
We had absolutely STUNNING weather last weekend here in Connecticut. It was perfect for my photography business mini sessions and perfect for doing all the fall things and perfect for making me feel like Connecticut is a kick-ass place to live. IT’S A JOY JUST TO BE ALIIIIIIIVE.
On our lovely free Monday (you’re still a jerk Columbus, but I do enjoy a day off) we spent the morning at Creamery Brook Bison Farm taking part in a Walktober event with friends. They’re open on weekends in the fall for tours and I highly recommend it. They had a feeding and petting zoo as well as a chance to meet the bison up close.
In the afternoon we went to Buttonwoods for their corn maze and fall fun. It’s a tradition! We did both sides of the corn maze, the hay ride, the cow train, the hay tower and the kids went nuts in the corn pit. We all came home with pants full of corn and a zillion pictures. Don’t worry, Linc really liked the corn pit, even when we were pouring it on his head. He ate more than his share. Mmmm…roughage.
Tags: animals, bison, buttonwood farms, buttonwoods, Caroline, Connecticut, cows, creamery brook bison, evan, fall, family, friends, fun, lincoln, walktober
Posted in Connecticut | 1 Comment »
Sunday, July 26th, 2015
This week Lincoln turned 1 and I started freaking out because summer feels almost over.
Target is easier when you can tie one kid to your back and bribe the other two with Icees.
All the kids love the Boppy
Lake Baby
Sunflowers for Wishes is beauitful
Caroline dressed up for our wagon ride
I made the mistake of asking them to take a nice picture.
Party planning
We have a LOT of clicky things from Wendy’s kids’ meals now.
This might have been the last time he napped nicely.
If you look closely you can see my baby playing with his new 7 year old BFF.
Baby’s first deli cheese
It turns out clean and shopping is pretty good exercise
Birthday’s are exhausting
Bumpa will read you alllllll the books
The bones of The Australia at Mystic Seaport
Using my camera to check and see if Linc is asleep yet. NOPE.
I’m proud that all my party guests noticed my sling matched the decor
He had a really good day
He has sad eyes because he tried to eat the lit candle, but eating an entire mini-cake cheered him up.
Linc’s first birthday party is over and it was SUCH a success. We were completely done and ready for our guests before they arrived (this never happens) and I got to relax and drink champagne while the kids screamed their heads off on the bounce house. My parents and E’s parents were both here which meant we had TWO grown ups per child – not to mention all the dads that Linc conned into picking him up and carrying him around. He’s really good with dads.
We’ve got some vacation coming up and I cannot waaaaaait. But first I have to get all those party photos sorted and posted, or they’ll end up in the file with the rest of this month’s fun activities and no one will ever see them. What good is a cool party theme without a blog post?!
Tags: 1 year old, 12 months, baby, babywearing, beach, birthday, buttonwoods, Caroline, evan, food, lake, lake life, lincoln, mystic, mystic seaport, naps, shopping, sunflowers, target, tula, water
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 1 Comment »