My Week(156) in iPhone Photos
The weather cooled off this week, but all that seemed to do was make our skies even more gorgeous than usual. I had a bunch of work and Caroline had a couple of really grumpy days, so the week both flew by and seemed to last fooooooorevvvvvvveeeeerrrrrrr.
If you see me online this week – especially if I ask you for Candy Crush lives – tell me GET BACK TO WORK. I need to stop cleaning up photos on my computer and clean up my kitchen. And put away laundry. And meal plan. And find something to do with this extra couch that is blocking my front door. Although if I get a quiet minute to take a nap I might do that instead. SO TIRED.
Tags: aquarium, beach, Caroline, Connecticut, couch, E, evan, fall, family, fun, iphone photos, my week in iphone photos, shopping, sky