My birthday week is ending tonight with a husband-acquired babysitter and a viewing of The Hunger Games in an actual theater, which might seem lame but is pretty much the best thing ever. The weather today was amazing and is supposed to be even MORE amazing tomorrow so it’s easy to avoid looking at the piles of laundry and dishes I’m supposed to be doing by staying outside.


We're letting him practice with the toy mower now so we can put him to work for real when he's 4

Yoga: Yur doin it rong.

Lazy baby slept until 8:15

Practicing our kissy faces

The jets in the tub turn a bubble bath into a BUBBLE BATH

My birthday present was a baby who refused to wear clothes

I took a birthday nap. Sort of.

Purple roses from my sweetie

Crafty like a fox

These are all gone now

Couch naps have turned into floor naps

Poor feverish baby slept late

Toy box nap? Weirdos.

Single-parent bedtime means sometimes you carry a naked toddler on your shoulders

This is actually her happy face

Chalk & toes

Outside is the BEST side

Hmmm, maybe the peanut shells really aren't for eating

Practicing his slapshot

I enjoyed the sunshine for exactly 6 minutes before I felt my skin starting to fry.
Now I’m going to go re-pink-ify my hair and take a nap so I don’t fall asleep half way through the movie tonight. Happy weekend!
Did you take any camera phone photos this week? Link up with one or lots using the linky below and grab the code (so it shows on your blog too!) over at Amy’s . It’s really fun!