Lincoln: 8 Months
Friday, March 27th, 2015On his actual 8 month day Linc slept through the night, then took a 4 hour nap. He woke up a zillion years older. He’s bigger. His face looks different. He has more HAIR.
I don’t object to the sleeping, like, at all. But I object to the growing. I object to his thinking he is a KID and his sudden need to stand all the time. I don’t like the standing so much because when he stands on me he digs in with his grabby little toes and I end up covered with bruises. He does it when he’s nursing too – kicks me in the arms and face hard enough to leave marks. I feel like I’m being abused by a tiny, deaf old man. Saying “no!” has no effect unless I use a really angry voice and then it just makes him cry. And then I’M the jerk who made a baby cry.
I can’t even keep track of how many teeth he has anymore. He’s always teething, so I’m assuming more than the 8 I can see in the front? He mostly deals with it by biting me and my clothes, although sometimes I can talk him into biting an actual teether for a few minutes. But NOT the kind you put in the freezer for teething relief. That’s just ridiculous, in his opinion. He also really really likes to nurse for the teething pain, which means we’ve been doing a lot of nursing. A loooooot. He’s still ambivalent about food, unless it’s pizza crust (hashtag third child hashtag baby-led weaning) but I’m working on it. The day when I am not his only food source is in the distant future but I can almost see it.
Linc is in 9-12 month clothes and 12-24 months hats, because his noggin is epic. He has a bunch of soft-soled shoes but when I put them on his feet all he does is slide around and then fall on his face. I’m really looking forward to warm weather when he can just wear onesies and a diaper and get filthy throwing himself in the dirt.
Likes include standing, cruising, biting, eating paper, sister, brother, the dog, the cat, water, shoes that do not belong to him, scooting, sleeping, Mommy, smiling, friends, being worn, snuggles, nursies, breaking stuff, chewing on cords.
Dislikes are loud noises, being told NO, falling on his face and anything else he previously liked 5 minutes ago but changed his mind about. Like, say, this month’s photo shoot. He was NOT INTERESTED. And also got snot all over everything. Very attractive.
8 Month Milestones (from Caroline’s 8 monthday post)
Mastered Skills (most kids can do)
Says “mama” or “dada” to parents (isn’t specific) – Eh. Sometimes says mamamama or dadadada but I don’t think he’s really talking?
Passes objects from hand to hand – Easily
Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)
Stands while holding onto something – STANDS ALL THE TIME
Crawls – One legged monkey scoots, but yes. He’s completely mobile.
Points at objects – With like, one finger? No.
Searches for hidden objects – Yes. Especially if you’re hiding it specifically so he won’t choke on it.
Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
Pulls self to standing, cruises – Call him Royal Caribbean, he’s a cruising machine.
Picks things up with thumb-finger pincer grasp – I think he mostly ham-hand grabs stuff still.
Indicates wants with gestures – He can do the sign for “nurse” and basically does it constantly. It’s his only want.