Wayfair You’ve Got Just What I Need (Which Is A Rug And A Coupon Code)

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Wayfair as part of their Homemakers program. All opinions are my own. 

We watch a LOT of HGTV. My children have favorite HGTV shows (Evan likes Love It or List It, while Caroline prefers House Hunters). And if you’ve watched even 10 minutes of HGTV you’re heard that song Wayfair uses in their commercials and right now you are cursing me for getting it stuck in your head AGAIN. Rest assured I share your pain.

Now that Baby Linc is no longer a surprise baby, I can finally finish the nursery. I moved the older kids in together to give him a room – I might as well make it a NICE room. I am attempting to prevent Third Child Why Aren’t There Any Pictures Of Me And Why Did I Sleep In A Drawer Syndrome. (Current status: medium. He has a birth story but owns no socks)  So far I’ve gone from this…


To this:


The good news is I’m leaving it blue. I like that color, it’s boy-friendly, I’m not even tempted to repaint. The bad news is NOTHING else matches. And I forgot to buy a crib. Oops? But thanks to lots of stuck-on-the-couch-nursing I’ve had PLENTY of time internet shop and I’ve narrowed my plans down to these two. First, a blue rug with a yellow crib:

Nautical Blue & Yellow Nursery
Nautical Blue & Yellow Nursery by bebehblog 

Advantages: Sailboats. Who doesn’t love sailboats? Plus that yellow crib converts to a twin bed, so one day when Caroline gets her own room back (we’ll have the boys bunk together) she’ll have an adorable yellow bed.

Disadvantages: I’m not actually going to buy that chair no matter how much I love it. I’m stuck with the brown one I already own and I’m not sure SO MUCH blue goes with a brown chair.
Or this one with the yellow rug and blue crib:
Yellow & Turquoise Baby Nursery
Yellow & Turquoise Baby Nursery by bebehblog 

Advantages: I could buy that chair and do charming monthly photos in it. I also like that it’s a little less nautical and more casual. I could even switch out the yellow rug for a jute or sisal rug to make it even more beachy. And that cute striped bedding can go on the twin bed still in the room to serve as an extra guest bed.
Disadvantages: I’m not TOTALLY convinced the turquoise goes with my wall color.

I need to make a decision soon though, since I have a (rare! exclusive!) Wayfair coupon code to use on a rug:  RUGLUV51. It’s good for 15% off ANY rug from 7/31 to 8/4. Go! Buy rugs! You know you want to! Or at least tell me which one I should buy. 

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5 Responses to “Wayfair You’ve Got Just What I Need (Which Is A Rug And A Coupon Code)”

  1. Fionnuala Darby-Hudgens says:

    I adore the yellow crib. :)

  2. I love, love, love the yellow crib. And I think Caroline would love it in the future too! Plus it would totally pop off your blue walls. You know, just my two pennies.

  3. I just love the yellow crib with the blue! I think you can make your chair work. Either slip cover it or put an accent blanket or pillow on it.

  4. […] those inspiration boards a few weeks ago and actually ended up doing almost everything from the yellow crib board, plus a bunch of DIY projects. I was prepared to not get this done until my baby was too old for a […]

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