Monster Makeover!
The inspiration for Little Evan’s room makeover was this piece of art:
Evan the Nap Monster, by ModTots.
I ordered a monster – any monster, since they didn’t exist yet – as soon as I heard ModTots would be releasing them. So I actually bought half the stuff for the room before I knew what this piece would look like. But I knew it would be adorable so it wasn’t exactly a hardship.
I thought monsters would be a super easy theme for a kid’s room. I was wrong. Everything was Monsters, Inc the Pixar movie themed – and even that was hard to find. But I’m going to predict right now that monsters will be big by the end of 2011. Just watch.
Before pics. The nursery theme was “nautical” slash “tropical island” slash “Where the Wild Things Are”. And also very messy.
And after pics:

View from the door (I know it looks like a different wall color, but that's just because I rolled up the black-out shades...something I forgot to do for the before pics)
Adorable monster prints from Lulufroot on Etsy (I think I need the green monster one too!)
Snake from Taradara, Bear handknit by me.
The rest of the details:
Bed: Ikea
Monster sheets & duvet cover: Garnet Hill
Dresser: Ikea
Ceiling lamp: Ikea
Standing lamp: Target
Rug (moved from our family room): Target
Curtains: Ikea
Bookcase: Target
Rocker: Ikea
Book caddy: P’kolino from

Close up of the book caddy because it's so freaking cute. Oh and also, when I bought it it was like $10, not $30+. Don't buy one until they go back on sale.
I’m sort of ashamed that the curtains are 84 inch curtains that you’re supposed to hem (and by hem I mean use the iron-on adhesive tape they came with) and yet I did not hem them. The problem is the radiator is right below the window on the right hand wall, so I’d have to cut them REALLY short to be safe. But I don’t want to hem the other set that short and I still want them to match, so I just tied them up. And truthfully, I kind of like how they look.
Also, we have a bed rail for the side of the bed so Little Evan doesn’t roll out while he’s sleeping. Not that I think he would – he’s not a super rolly sleeper – but he likes pushing his feet against something while he’s trying to fall asleep and since we took the crib rails away I thought it would be a good substitute. I just took it down for the pictures.
So far, we’re having about a 75% success rate with the big boy bed. Wednesday was the first day nap time didn’t happen AT ALL, but he’s been pushing them back later and later since we made the switch. He does get out and run around and pull things out of the drawers and read all his books and climb in the chair…but when he gets tired he puts himself back to bed. And it’s nice that he can get himself out of bed and play in his room in the mornings so I have time to brush my teeth and get dressed before he starts yelling for me. But sometimes he cries a little because he misses his crib. I think he’ll get over it pretty soon though.
Disclaimer: This post was not sponsored in any way. All items were paid for with my own cash money.
Tags: big boy bed, books, design, etsy, handmade, house, ikea, little evan, modtots, nursery, room makeover, sleep, target
I love it. It turned out great. Spencer will be owning that book caddy. They bedding works great with the wall color.
Did you switch the bed from under the chalkboard? I remember that from another picture and thinking his sheets would get all dusty.
The bed was on the other wall while the crib was still up, but once we took the crib out we put the bed on the right hand wall – partially to avoid chalk dust but mostly because that’s where he’s USED to sleeping so it made the transition easier.
I love it! Everything looks amazing. I really like the monster prints and may have to invest in a few as I have frames but nothing to go in them. Since my theme is “hodgepodge” it works, right? (I totally need a theme).
She’s got tons of other adorable themes too – birds and foxes and forest animals and things. I’m kind of in love with her shop.
Love it!! So many different adorable monsters in that room! Thanks for the love! YOU = AWESOMESAUCE. Boom.
I think you’re right about the monsters stuff, I have been noticing a rise in it lately too. And that nap monster shape is something I’m seeing everywhere….and I can’t help but think AAAAAAAAAAH! REAL MONSTERS! every time I see it. :D
That’s a very cute room. Nicely done!
Niko’s bedroom isn’t quite working for me… I’m thinking of switching his bedroom and our office, which would be… a lot of work. But we wanted to do some remodeling in his room anyway so… maybe we can lump it in with the other work we have to do? I don’t know.
What a cute transformation! I love it.
ohmigoodness!!! This looks AMAZING!!I love the sheets and the adorable prints!!! I love how you couldn’t find anything monster themed, and you are totally right- by the end of the year:: EVERYTHING will be monster prints. It just seems when you need something you can find it NOWHERE but after you have it and no longer need it, there it is:: EVERYWHERE!! *sigh*
But the room came together nicely and you should give yourself a pat on the back! ;)
Love it! might steal the monster theme if we have a boy sometime. where did you get the black out shades? just home depot or someplace like that? we need some for Rory’s room now that daylight savings keeps it light so late.
so cute, suzanne!! you should totally be an interior designer. :)
Love it! I think monsters is already big. Half the stuff in Reid’s room is monsters even though technically the theme is supposed to have something to do with airplanes. (okay, so the walls are airplanes, but his entire crib is monsters…..and by walls I means the stuff I plan to put on the walls and haven’t yet)…..oh and also there are still bunnies (oh well) :)
Love love love it :) We are heading over to grab our own prints from Lulufroot for the empty walls in JD’s monster room. Thanks!