Posts Tagged ‘lake of the woods’
Sunday, September 30th, 2018
Tags: beach, boat, bubbles, bumpa, Caroline, E, evan, family, farm, finnegan, friends, jetski, kids, lake, lake of the woods, lincoln, mormor, summer, sunset, vacation, virginia
Posted in Photography | No Comments »
Monday, July 30th, 2018
This year, my parents moved full-time to their lake house. That means my mom officially retired and my dad sort of kinda almost retired except that he still works almost every day and has to commute up to Washington D.C. a couple times a week. I sort of doubt he will ever truly retire, just because he literally does not know how to relax. He needs stuff to do. The lake house was a good purchase because it always needs something done – fix a leak, build a garage, mow the lawn, do boat stuff, go to Home Depot three times in one weekend. It’s also an incentive to get us to visit – lake houses are much more fun than the nice but boring house they lived in when I was in high school. The kids beg to visit and cry when we have to leave.
Our visit this year was extra exciting for Caroline, since the week included pony camp for her each morning at the community’s equestrian center. The boys didn’t seem to care that she got to go to camp and they *only* got to swim in the lake, kayak, tube, boat and hang out with my folks. Unfortunately, E couldn’t get out of work that week so we went without him.
Here are way too many photos from our trip. You’re welcome, Mom!
This is Fancy saying “HI”, not being mad. Caroline and Fancy are BFFs.
My children are incapable of making normal faces for photos.
Finnegan was nervous about jumping the first day. It didn’t last long.
Tags: boat, bumpa, Caroline, evan, family, finnegan, horses, lake of the woods, lincoln, mormor, pony camp, summer, SUP, swimming, travel, vacation, virginia
Posted in Photography | No Comments »
Saturday, July 22nd, 2017
Plugging on, while I have two kids passed out and two kids watching Lord of the Rings, which should keep them entertained for approximated 4832 hours.
Matching father-son kayaks
THIS is a vacation
Moana needed help with the wifi’
Pretty serious relaxing
Rain delay
Dreaming about Disney World
It’s tubing time
Big helper
Really excited about watermelon
The only photo I took, but at least I got everyone in it.
Busy baby
Headed to swim call
Dinner at the club
Actual thing my dad got for Father’s Day
Waiting for his waffles
Boating is exhausting
Finn screams the whole time on the boat unless he’s nursing
We’ve been go go go go all week – basically just to keep us sane and out of the house and not sitting here in the heat wanting to strangle each other – so having an at-home day feels SO PRODUCTIVE. I cleaned things! And put away laundry! We finally called my mom for her birthday! I did a bunch of stupid adulting paperwork! I might even have time to finish setting up my bullet journal because I am determined to get organized so my life doesn’t collapse this fall when I have 3 kids in school and/or activities.
Literally as I typed that the baby woke up, so now I’m done being productive for a while.
Tags: boat, Caroline, E, evan, family, finnegan, food, fun, lake, lake life, lake of the woods, lincoln, summer, vacation, virginia
Posted in The Rest | 1 Comment »
Monday, July 25th, 2016
I promise to have Linc birthday party pics up soon, but these are a) done and b) on a drive that hasn’t yet overheated so I still have access. Plus I like documenting our annual things the best, since I can go back and look at last year vs this year. (I took way more pictures last year, because I was way less hugely pregnant.)
Tags: boats, Caroline, E, evan, family, fishing, fun, kids, lake of the woods, lincoln, photos, summer, swimming, virginia
Posted in Photography, The Rest | 2 Comments »
Sunday, July 24th, 2016
It’s only Sunday and I’m getting this done! Because it is too hot to do anything besides sit very still!
That looks safe
Middle of nowhere
Apparently, some of my relatives are buried at this obscure graveyard in Ohio (that’s my maiden name)
Waking up at the lake means 8 am swim call
Books books books
Future captain
The lake has a menu
My baby is on that tube
Chips are very exciting
Everyone loves the swim platform
I guess that’s fair
He likes the boat a lot more than this face implies
Tired, hot, filthy children are finally home
That “mild” sunburn hurts A LOT more than it looks
I taught them how to send FB messages
Back at our own lake
Recital in two weeks!
Catching Pokemon from our front porch
Caroline the Bond Villian
Camp food!
The birthday boy was not in the mood for pictures
All the kids had a great time at Linc’s party and no one died of heat stroke. This week is going to be busy with making up appointments and commitments we rescheduled when we went out of town, plus it’s my last busy week of photo sessions before I start telling people I’m too pregnant. I mean, I’m ALREADY too pregnant, but I still like working. I’m going to “take it easy” from now until the end of August (which will more likely be the middle of September, since I always have boy babies late). It will be easier to take it easy once it is not 95 degrees every day. When can someone work on that?
Tags: amos lake, birthday, boats, Caroline, evan, family, food, fun, grandparents, iphone photos, lake of the woods, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, ohio, party, piano, pokemon go, road trip, summer, swimming, virginia
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »