Posts Tagged ‘blogher12’

#bh12photoaday – Link Up!

Thursday, August 9th, 2012

Soooooo…how did you do? I think when I came up with this idea I had forgotten how CRAZY BlogHer is and how quickly phones die and how hard it is to remember my own name let alone specific things to photograph. I barely remembered to complete most day (and missed one photo entirely). So what I’m saying is- it is FINE if you missed some (or most) and want to link up.

Here’s a reminder of the list:

And here are my days


#bh12photoaday wednesday


#bh12photoaday thursday


#bh12photoaday friday


#bh12photoaday saturday

I forgot number 14. Shoes (I’m pretty sure I almost forgot my ACTUAL shoes after Sparklecorn too) so I filled that last collage with Mandy vs. Miranda’s Baby. It might be the best picture I’ve ever taken.

BlogHer12 Recap In Photos And Bad Poetry

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

I’ve been staring at this blank page for ten minutes now, wondering how to write a BlogHer12 recap post and I’ve just decided I don’t actually want to. It’s only been a few days since I got home but the posts, tweets, threads and private gossip is coming fast and furious. Who was rude, who got pushed, who snubbed who, what super top secret parties I didn’t get invited to, whether or not bloggers who don’t use all the words count as bloggers at all… It’s amazing how other people’s experience can completely change how I view my own. I don’t want to be responsible for doing that to anyone else. If we met, I thought you were LOVELY. Truly, every single person I met was kind and welcoming, from people I’ve admired for years to brand new faces.  If we didn’t meet, I’m so so sorry and I hope we can get together soon. That’s my entire opinion of the conference besides these photos and captions…done as haiku. Please enjoy.


BlogHer12 NYC Central Park

Walked to Central Park
With Miranda in the rain
No dead bodies found

BlogHer12 NYC

Went to find some food
The sunset was amazing
But there was no pie


BlogHer12 NYC Thursday

Blographer and more
I met Ree for the third time
She did not know me


BlogHer12 NYC Friday

Sessions and Martha
The meat of the whole big thing
With fun for dessert

BlogHer12 NYC Thursday

Bright lights and good friends
Toys and swag and all the things
Can’t even compare


BlogHer12 NYC Saturday

Disney made me cry
Katie and Serenity
Too many highlights to count

My friends may be weird
But that’s why they understand
I treasure them all

My Week(92) in iPhone Photos

Monday, August 6th, 2012

Actual BlogHer photo recap to come, since I took 700 pictures in 4 days (and my phone was totally dead by Sparklecorn so THOSE photos taken by other people will come even later)(although some of THOSE photos are going in my private never-to-see-the-light-of-day file).


As if I needed to point for you to see that giant canyon I have between my eyebrows. Maybe Botox wants to sponsor me.

Captain(s) Evan

I love a man who reads to his kids


Every trip to Target starts with the kids BEGGING to take this cart and ends with them screaming at me to get out

Mommy’s little helper



Caroline’s list of demands for BlogHer: Pony, Minnie Mouse, candy, dolly.

Mommy, I need balls! Balls, mommy! (for the cannon, obvs)

Library play time


Waiting at the train station to send me off

Riding in a cab makes me feel glamorous. I watched too much Sex and the City.



Blographer Event: Info gets a 9, food gets a 10.

I kept thinking I might run into Carson Daly, but then I remembered it’s not 1999.

I wish I was this talented


Learning high kicks from the experts – The Rockettes!

Just hanging out with Martha. NBD.

What, don’t all NY hotels have giant tropical fish tanks in the lobby?


Breakfast with Disney Jr. I don’t even think Disney is CAPABLE of doing something half-way.

Katie Couric is pretty much my hero.

Convenient location, crazy expensive food and drinks.

Holy cow am I tired. I went to NYC trying to fight off a cold and ended up with laryngitis. I can barely whisper. It’s making getting back to real life even more of a challenge – any minute the kids are going to realize I physically CAN’T yell at them for things and their reign of terror will begin. Thank GOD my mother-in-law kept the house stocked and clean so I can just play silent-movie trains and watch Disney Jr and drink 50 gallons of water today while I remember what real life feels like.

Did you take any camera phone photos this week? Link up with one or lots using the linky below and grab the code (so it shows on your blog too!) over at Amy’s . It’s really fun!

Face It: #BlogHer12

Friday, July 27th, 2012

I did a post last year right before BlogHer with pictures of my face. I wanted people to recognize me and say “Hi” if they saw me, since I can be insanely awkward about approaching people. I always assume I’m going to annoy them, so I tend to just slink around in the background, being lurky and weird which just annoys people MORE. Combine that with the fact that I rarely post pictures of my own face without a filter or some photoshopping or from reeeeeally far away and I worry I will walk right past every single person I want to meet without speaking to them. So here’s a guide to my face, and the faces I will be making at BlogHer:

This is what I like to THINK I will look like at BlogHer. Happy, brushed hair, a little bit of make-up, pulled together, uneven eyebrows (DRIVES ME CRAZY).

This is what I will probably actually look like at BlogHer, when I get REALLYCLOSE to read your name tag and realize I love you and that I’ve been looking forward to meeting you for ages. Last year we called this my baby-snatcher face, but I assure you I gave back ALL the babies. I’M SO EXCITED! I’M SO EXCITED! I’M SO…SCARED.

This is me saying “HAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIII!” which is something I actually say in real life. Don’t be scared.

This is my listening face, which looks like my bitch face. It makes my wonky eyebrow look extra wonky and I get a frowny line between my eyebrows but I swear I really am listening intently and not judging anything you’re saying.

This is my nervous quiet face. I am literally chewing a hole in the side of my face because I am worried I am going to say something stupid. I usually gnaw on my cheek until it really really hurts and then disinfect it with alcohol. Speaking of which…

This is my classy cocktail drinking face. I like to order really fancy things that involve chocolate and/or sugared rims.

This is a much more accurate drinking face. My flask will probably be full of something extra classy like peppermint schnapps or Kahlua.

This is my OMG THEY’RE PLAYING USHERRRRRRRR LET’S DANCE! face. I apologize in advance for hitting you with my hair while I’m tossing it around. I will probably also run up on the stage to dance near the DJ because inside I am still 22 and cool enough to do things like that.

This is my drunk face, also known as my “Do you think I should get bangs?!” face, my “Let’s go get a TATTOO!” face and my “Where did my shoes go?” face. This face needs a bottle of water and a possibly a bucket. You are most likely to see this face at Sparklecorn.

But I’ll leave you with my hair in a pony tail, kind of shiny, smiley face, because it is the one I HOPE gets to meet you next week. SO EXCITED.

This year, a bunch of us decided we would all do faces posts and link up. It’s not too late for you to join in!

BlogHer Photo A Day

Monday, July 16th, 2012

I seriously love photo assignments – from the photo-every-hour posts to the photoaday Instagram challenges Fatmumslim does every month – but I’ve been doing a terrible job keeping up. During the all-day ones I always end up driving or eating for EVERY shot and I always lose steam on the monthlies. I’ll do really well for a week or two and then miss two or three in a row and then quit altogether. But four days? I can do four days. So how about a mini-photo-a-day just for our time in NYC?

I present to you: The BlogHer Photo A Day challenge! Four pics a day for four days means 16 photos in all – totally doable! The plan is to follow along on Instagram (use the hashtag #bh12photoaday) while we’re at the conference and then when we all get home I’ll post a linky for round-up posts. If you’re NOT in NYC, feel free to play along at home, get creative (maybe you’ve still got that Statue of Liberty snow globe you bought on your 4th grade trip? Just me?) and link up the second week of August.  I’ve got a few friends who’ve already promised to play along but the more kids play the more fun it will be.

We start August 1st! Are you in?

(I’m not BlogHer official or anything, so don’t bomb the #BlogHer12 hashtag with a zillion pictures of your suitcase. I just had an idea and ran with it. Look at me. Maybe C25K really IS changing my attitude towards running.)