Posts Tagged ‘iphone’

My Week(341) in iPhone Photos

Thursday, May 18th, 2017

There is an awful lot of my face in this week’s pictures, because it turns out when I am without my children I have a lot more time to put on make-up, do my hair, generally relax and enjoy myself. I also took a LOT of photos of things I ate, because food made my someone else is very exciting for moms.


I went to the spa for a facial like I’m some sort of fancy celebrity

And then I went to lunch with these weirdos

This is one of my favorite views



Watching Animaniacs “for the kids”

Me: Don’t shine that in my eyes. Linc: OK *shines it in his eyes*


Mocha mint whatever. It’s delicious.

Not real life: Kia arrives to take me to dinner because I’m in the right place at the right time.

I ate/drank like 75% of the things in this photo all by myself


Palm trees…swimming pools…

Not real life: when Olive Garden leaves you wine and glasses in your room

My only photo of my insane rainbow caftan. It was PERFECT.


I’m wearing a romper in this photo. Tiffany looks like a model and I’m basically a toddler.

I have known Kim on the internet since before I even HAD a blog.

Not real life: Hair stylists and champagne


I’m not stealing all the cheese I’m just taking a picture. And then stealing all the cheese.

Fancy hair again

They’re going to kill me for posting this photo


Diet coke for breakfast, as it should be

Blue skies

Exhausted sweaty face IN FIRST CLASS

I had such a good time at Mom 2.0 in Florida. Because this isn’t 2011 I won’t write a whole recap post, but I will say Mom 2 is still my favorite conference where I feel like I meet the best people and always feel like I belong. The scary “omg she’s so famous”-ness I felt at other conferences just didn’t exist. I don’t know if I’ll make it to 2018 in California but if I don’t I will spend that week crying under the covers because I miss my people so much.

The good news is now we are officially LESS THAN A MONTH AWAY from our family Disney trip and I can freak out in earnest. I’ll have everyone 100% packed by next week. The kids are going to be like “Mom, why can’t I find any underwear or shorts?”

My Week(203) in iPhone Photos

Sunday, September 21st, 2014

This week was seriously insane. I tried to jump back in to work all at once and ended up really, really tired. Plus I think I pinched a nerve in my back. Also I have a weird lump under my armpit that is definitely not a plugged duct. I don’t think. Basically, I’m falling apart. But I got a new iPhone, so this week gets an A+ anyway.



The gingers found these and ate them ALL. They are lucky to still live here.


Third baby gets set on the ground a lot


#nofilter for real, the whole parking lot was full of people taking photos of this sky



This is who helped Caroline wait for the bus today


Another amazing evening for a photo shoot


I am super lucky to have clients who actually LIKE my kids. Or at lest pretend really really well.



Baby burrito


I love her little uniform so much


Only Tuesday and we’re already falling asleep on the couch



Picture Day!


Same park, different gorgeous day


Emergency evening shopping trip for diapers and bread (and chocolate)



I feel exactly the same way when my alarm goes off


I had big plans to iron all those wraps, but I never did.


I plan to never be awake to see that time again.



My first picture with my new phone!!!! I was too excited to care that it wasn’t a very good picture.


It’s so clear! You can see the mess so much better!


Literally two people who read this will know what I mean, but doesn’t this dress pattern look just like my Tekhni Ceres but in black instead of green?



Best view in the world


In looooove with that crib, especially because I put it together all myself.


This was amazing.

This weekend was rough. On Saturday I actually made the kids go back to bed and start the day over. They both napped for 2 hours and then we went to a festival, where everyone was well behaved and we had a nice time. Sunday was rough all over again. I like school days. Thank God the week is full of them.

Let’s Play with Hello Kitty and the KuKee App

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and KuKee, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #helllokittyletsplay

I told Caroline we were going shopping for Hello Kitty clothes at the mall and she turned to our cat and said “HELLO! Kitty! Hello!”

But she figured it out pretty quick when we got there. So much pink! So many ruffles!

Hello Kitty Let's Play Dress Up


My Week(93) in iPhone Photos

Sunday, August 12th, 2012

I can’t believe a week ago I was in NYC. Not that this week was busy – it was, in fact, the laziest I have ever been since having children – but it feels like a million years since I was hugging my people. At least this week ended with one of my peoples coming to visit!



Just hanging out here, 50 feet over the river on a train with the door open. NBD.

Epic puzzle ball is epic


I told them we were going to go through the toy box and give away the toys they don’t play with anymore. Their reaction was to sit on it.

So I did it while they were sleeping. One giant bag of trash, one medium bag for Goodwill, two bags of baby toys put away until I have a baby again.


Somehow, a cool fisheye lens makes my dirty house look less awful

I took this picture right before I fell asleep on the couch too

Yes, that looks safe.


Love is patient (with the baby), love is kind (to the kitty)

At the aquarium, er…I mean the grocery store. Whatevs, he likes the lobsters.

Caroline takes sleeping very seriously


I don’t even know

What do you mean “poor choices”, Mom?

Fish-eye bathtime


This is why I never say “no” to her. THAT FACE.

Sometimes we play NEXT to our friends

And sometimes we share a stool with them


Snack break at Hasbro’s Big Back Yard

Aoudads are like mountain goats – good climbers. Very similar to toddlers.

Caroline and JD check out the penguins while Kim and I die of cuteness

Did you take any camera phone photos this week? Link up with one or lots using the linky below and grab the code (so it shows on your blog too!) over at Amy’s . It’s really fun!

BlogHer Photo A Day

Monday, July 16th, 2012

I seriously love photo assignments – from the photo-every-hour posts to the photoaday Instagram challenges Fatmumslim does every month – but I’ve been doing a terrible job keeping up. During the all-day ones I always end up driving or eating for EVERY shot and I always lose steam on the monthlies. I’ll do really well for a week or two and then miss two or three in a row and then quit altogether. But four days? I can do four days. So how about a mini-photo-a-day just for our time in NYC?

I present to you: The BlogHer Photo A Day challenge! Four pics a day for four days means 16 photos in all – totally doable! The plan is to follow along on Instagram (use the hashtag #bh12photoaday) while we’re at the conference and then when we all get home I’ll post a linky for round-up posts. If you’re NOT in NYC, feel free to play along at home, get creative (maybe you’ve still got that Statue of Liberty snow globe you bought on your 4th grade trip? Just me?) and link up the second week of August.  I’ve got a few friends who’ve already promised to play along but the more kids play the more fun it will be.

We start August 1st! Are you in?

(I’m not BlogHer official or anything, so don’t bomb the #BlogHer12 hashtag with a zillion pictures of your suitcase. I just had an idea and ran with it. Look at me. Maybe C25K really IS changing my attitude towards running.)