Not A Year End Wrap Up Post
Friday, December 31st, 2010I *should* write a big wrap up of all my best posts from 2010 but that seems really time consuming and I’d rather watch this repeat of 30 Rock and stuff my face with the cookies I made this afternoon with my Amazing New KitchenAid Mixer. Maybe I should just write a love letter to my Amazing New KitchenAid Mixer and call it a day. Or I’ll save that for 2011.
Besides, I can’t really pick my favorite posts. I loved playing party planner with the eight zillion different posts about Little Evan’s first birthday and Caroline’s Baby Shower. I met some AWESOME new people with blog hops like the Home Tour and the Tat-Tour. There were posts I was really proud of, even if they were about silly things like my kid’s hair or baby kicks or not going to BlogHer. I got my first DSLR and took a zillion pictures of birds and gorillas and Little Evan with a toilet on his head and that conference I went to in Minneapolis. And then of course there was big stuff, like E re-enlisting, a new pregnancy and a new baby and all the excitement that goes along with that. So yeah, hard to pick which posts I would include in a best of wrap-up.
So instead I’ll just say thank you to every single person who ever read my little bebehblog, whether you comment on almost every post (I SEE YOU AND LOVE YOU) or accidentally clicked over here once after Googling “fat person will belly button ring” (two hits from that one today!) I appreciate your readership. If you’re a reader who doesn’t comment, please feel free to join in any time. If you’re a commenter with a blog, please make sure I know so I can add you to my Google reader. And if you think this whole blogging thing is kind of silly but keep coming back for cute pictures of my kid, I promise there will be EVEN MORE (now with Girl Bebeh!) this year.
I hope we can be better friends in 2011. Happy New Year!!