Never Boring {$100 Giveaway!}
Well, I mean, obviously I still like naps. Everyone likes naps (except the children who actually should be taking them).
The first year after I got married we lived in Virginia Beach. Despite being young and thin (siiiiiigh) and living directly on the beach, I HATED it. It felt like there was nothing to do. All the guys E worked with either had kids or were trying to have kids (as a 23 year old with no children I was sort of an anomaly in the MilSpouse community). I remember going to a lot of street fairs or walking down to the cheesy beach shops or driving past the aquarium and thinking “If I had kids, this would be way more fun.”
Here in Connecticut I hear a lot of the younger, single guys complain about nothing to do. But since I have kids, I STRONGLY disagree. We have memberships to the aquarium, the seaport, the children’s museum and the science center. We walk to parades, or the library or the cheesy little carnivals downtown. My kids have favorite restaurants and favorite stores and favorite playgrounds. They go to school and take lessons and have a way more active social life than I’ve had since I was in high school.
I LOVE it.
I’m not someone who is ultra-motivated by nature. If I was still only responsible for myself (and my husband, I guess, although he’s not quite as helpless as children), I would spend a lot more time sleeping and feeling lonely. Kids don’t let you do that. They keep you up, they’re ALWAYS talking, they demand you go outside and see the world. You can’t avoid talking to anyone at the grocery store or wear ear buds all the time or even avoid smiling. I am nicer, friendlier and happier now that I have kids, and it has definitely made me a better person.
Last week after swim class, I took the kids to Panera for an early dinner and “special treat” for both being brave and learning new skills (Caroline can retrieve things from the bottom pool step, Evan learned how to do a sitting dive). I herded them into line where they both placed their orders with no help from me, then stormed the dessert counter to choose their cupcakes. The teenage girl behind the counter said “They’re so cute. I bet having kids is never boring.”
I smiled and said “No, I am never, ever bored.”
To celebrate the hilarious and heartfelt comedy Delivery Man, starring Vince Vaughn, being released Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD March 25, BlogHer will be awarding to one of my readers a $100 Visa gift card.
To enter, just leave a comment telling me: How have your kids changed you for the better?
You can pre-order your copy of Delivery Man today or check out the Facebook page for more information on the film, which chronicles the story of a man who unexpectedly discovers he has 533 children. (And I thought just having a THIRD baby was a big deal!)
Sweepstakes Rules: No duplicate comments. You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods: Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post Tweet (public message) about this promotion; including exactly the following unique term in your tweet message: “#SweepstakesEntry”; and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post Blog about this promotion, including a disclosure that you are receiving a sweepstakes entry in exchange for writing the blog post, and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry. This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winner will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected. The Official Rules are available here. This sweepstakes runs from 3/20/14 – 4/19/14. Be sure to visit the Delivery Man page on where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win!
Tags: blogher, disney, family, kids, movies, parenting, sponsored
Having kids has made me more vocal – more likely to stand up for them and myself. I *think* that’s a change for the good, at least usually! :)
I LOVE these pictures :) Having kids has made me wear alot more sweatpants but it also has seriously enhanced my social life (despite the sweatpants). Who knew picking up your kid at pre-school would ever become one of the best parts of my day?! :)
I put less pressure on myself to be perfect and I’m less of a germaphobe after becoming a mom!
Having kids has taught me not to take things for granted
My daughter has helped me remember to be silly and laugh more.
Having my son has made me more capable and independent in almost every way. Also made me more confident in my capabilities. Also, I totally agree with your sentiment above – life is never boring with my son!!
I know way more about dinosaurs, cretaceous plants, and ocean creatures than I ever thought possible… all sparked by my kid’s interests. It’s an education for both of us.
I agree! Having kids is never boring. I think having kids has made me more patient and spontaneous.
Having kids has helped me enjoy the smaller things more, I think. Like the way dust motes look magical in sunbeams. I remember thinking they were magical when I was younger, but then collegeblahblahblah. I think they’ve helped bring back that youthful outlook on everything. *smile*
having kids made me more patient
I still would love to have the luxury of being bored….but don’t miss it and would change it for anything! My kids now give me the excuse to do the thing I always wanted to do, but thought I was too “old” for. Haha!!
Having children has made me appreciate the small moments. Before I had kids, I seemed to be in a rush all the time and anxious to move onto the next thing. Now I wish I could freeze time.
Having kids does change you for the better. You remember what it was like to be a kid again what is was like to believe in Santa again.
Having my son has made me enjoy the small things in life more. He gets joy out of the littlest things!
My kids have taught me to be more patient and appreciate the smallest of moments
I’ve definitely loosened up a lot more. The neighbors watched me lay on the sidewalk this afternoon while Sophia drew a chalk outline around me. I wouldn’t have done that for any kid before I had mine own.
I have learned to slow down and enjoy the little moments. Before my boys, I worked full time and barely sat down. They are so much fun and they make me smile all day long.
They have made me appreciate the litle things! Also to have more patience!
I completely agree! The O’s have drastically changed my life. Never did I think a cup of tea with a friend, a run to Target, a school pick up, and dance class would be a busy day, but add a few tiny humans to that and it is a super busy day! The O’s have forced me to remember kindness. They are both by nature just sweet, and they remind me everyday in their actions to be a little sweeter.
My daughter has taught me how to let go and enjoy the small things in life.
My daughter has made me more patient and loving.
Having kids helped me enjoy things that I hadn’t done since I was younger, such as snowball fights, arts & crafts, and really looking closely at nature.
My kids have made me more loving. I never would have thought that I could love someone so unconditionally from very first sight.
My kids have made me a more caring, patient person. Gotta love ’em!
My niece and nephew have taught me to appreciate the people in my life and recognize the importance of relationships. They also have taught me to make a conscious effort to be happy and pleasure the little things in life. They have taught me not to take life too seriously and don’t sweat the small stuff.
Being a parent has made me be more responsible and patient. Thanks so much.
I tweeted:
Thanks again.
One finally grows up and realizes they have these other persons in their livfe to care about
Kids have taught me to be silly !
Made me be more patient.
I don’t have a kid, but I have a dog who is my “kid”. :-) She’s taught me to be happier, in general. I love how dogs are always happy!
My kids have taught me better critical thinking as well as making me better at compromising :) I need both in order to watch out for my kids best interests, as well as balancing freedom with good choices :)
Tweeted :) –
That your heart can fill with more love than you could ever imagine.
My daughter has taught me how to love others and to take things simple.
No kids..
They have shown me how beautiful it is to be selfless.
Have children has made me more patient, responsible and loving. It has also made me less selfish.
my kids have changed me for the better because i try to be a good example and role model for them, so i am more aware of doing the right things at the right times.
When I had kids, I learned what unconditional love is. I learned that even 30 years later, you still worry. And I learned the best thing about having kids is GRANDkids!
My kids changed me for the better in that I have loosened up and see joy in doing for others.
Having kids has helped me appreciate my parents even more.
They have given me patience, understanding, and the ability to unconditional love.
Its made me more responsible and concerned about the future of the country.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
more patience and look at things through children’s eyes – simple joys
tvollowitz at aol dot com
They have taught me to have lots of patience and given me new perspective on life.
I’ve learned to embrace chaos and messes. Perfection doesn’t exist when you have four kids.
My children taught me selflessness and unconditional love. :)
Having children has taught me patience, which was a big problem for me. You cannot be impatient with children at all, and with my new-found patience, it has made other areas of my life better, especially relationships with others. I find the care of children rewarding and watching them grow and change is wonderful.
my tweet-
I definitely have to be more structured with my time! And also patience. Gotta have that.
Yes, they’ve given me a newfound appreciation for life.
I was pretty depressed until I met my husband and then had my children. I am so happy with them.
I can see the happiness, wonder and beauty in the world through my daughter’s eyes. It is amazing the little things you appreciate with a child in your life.
I don’t have my own kids but the kids at my job remind me that people are resilient in the face of life.
My kids have have helped me to be a more patient and understanding person. I used to be one to snap really quickly but they have changed that for the better.
I don’t have kids yet but I babysit a lot and can say these children have changed me so much! they have given me such joy. I can never be in a bad mood with them!
I don’t have any kids.
i have three daughters, they are my best friends, we laugh, shop and do everything together. I would be lost without them.
We tried for a year to have a baby, and then finally found out we were having twins. They have changed our lives for the better. My husband and I have gotten closer to God because of the things we went through trying to get pregnant and my son being in the Nicu (5 weeks early).
We do not drink anymore, we are more patient, we both appreciate the little things in life more, and we just dedicate our lives and time to our kids. They are such a blessing and truly are the GREATEST gift!!
Thank you!!
faithrains2387 (At)
Required entry with #sweepstakesentry
Thank you!
Faithrains2387 (At)
I was bored pre-kid too. So obviously having a kid helped in that department, but it also helped me not be so anti-social in public. She talks and looks at people which then want to TALK to us, and in an effort not to be a b, I have to talk back. :)
My girls have made me stronger. They’ve taught me that I am strong enough
to stand up for myself and them. I have to be willing to go that extra mile for
them because no one else will. I can’t stand back and not say anything like I use to because I don’t want anyone hurting my child. Thank you!
I learned to not to sweat over small things. Let go and have some laugh.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
Having kids has given me patience and taught me that I can’t win every fight. Some things I just have to go with the flow on.
Having my daughter made me a more patient person. I was always pretty patient, but with her I learned to make sure I slowed down and enjoy every moment and wait for things, most everything is worth the wait
I tweeted
I learned we all make mistakes and we have to love each other unconditionally.
Beside keeping me active, I became a responsible person.
I’m less selfish and more loving.
She taught me patience and unconditional love.
i learned everything doesn’t have to be perfect! Its okay if its not!
i posted a tweet:
My kids taught me patience.
Having the kids helped me to be more patient and a better listener.
thank you
She has taught me to be in the moment.
Having children changed me in so many ways, I definitely became less selfish but more importantly I realized I had to take better care of myself because I was responsible for more than just my happiness in life.
they made me a better person and stronger
I’m so much less judgmental, parenting is humbling! I do NOT have all the answers!
my kids really taught me how to love. I really dont think i felt as much emotions before i had kids.
I have become more active and healthy. I am constantly thinking of others. putting others first. and to love unconditionally.
my daughter taught me to smile more
I’ve learned the art of patience :)
My kids have taught me how to be patient. That’s something I struggled with and still struggle with!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
coriwestphal at msn dot com
My Mom always said just wait until you have kids and then you will understand me better. She was right. I understand now that even if it seemed awful to me at the time she was doing it out of love for me. My kids have changed me for the better by teaching me that I need to be strong for them every day.
I only have a furbaby, I was unfortunate and couldn’t carry. But, she is our joy and she brings so much love and happiness to our life.
I’ve learned a lot about patience and the power of laughter.
My kids have taught me selflessness and a deeper love than I’ve ever known!
My kids have made my life so much funner.
My kids made me more creative. They brought back my playful side
More patience and to not be bothered by trivial things.
They’ve made me a more giving person.
to put others needs first
my son has forced me to slow down and enjoy every moment
He’s helped me step outside my own perspective.
They have showed me how to pause and enjoy the little things in life!
Oh she has…My daughter has helped me live in the now and see the world through a child’s eyes….ahhh the wonder!
I have changed for the better by putting others before myself and having more patient. Thanks for the giveaway
Because I had my daughter at such a young age, I had to grow up quite quickly and become a responsible adult and parent.
I have 2 sons, 4 and 6. They have taught me to be more patient.
My children have taught me that what I do is more important than what I say.
Tweet –
they have helped me be less selfish and more patient
i tweeted
My kids have helped realize how creative and fun I can be
Made me realize it’s okay not to control everything.
having kids taught me to be more spontaneous. Not everything will go as planned
My son has made me a much more patient person, and he makes me take the time to stop and appreciate the little things.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
They make you slow down and see the world in from a different view. It seems that until you have kids you don’t appreciate the little things…..things you used to just walk by and never gave a thought to.
By seeing the wonder in even some not so great things–like bugs!
My kids have made me to constantly strive to be the best mom I can…I quit smoking 5 years ago for them…I’m always trying to set a positive example for them. I was an adventure seeker before them…now I’m much more cautious about EVERYTHING!
I tend to be a spur of the moment person but having kids changed that for good. You have to plan things out, you have to bring this, that and the other thing. When a kid has to pee, they mean Now not ten minutes from now.
my niece makes everything fun again
I learned unconditional love! My kids have taught me to enjoy every moment!
My kids made me realize what and who are important to have in my life and to appreciate every moment.
My son has autism, it has made me a better person, I have learned to have more patience and have a lot more tolerance .
My youngest son has autism, he has made me a better person. Ive learned to not sweat the little things,and I have a lot more patience.
I don’t have any kids. I want to have some though!
My kids have changed me for the better by making me see life through their young eyes, kids are so positive and see the best in life and other people.
My kids have taught me to slow down and take the stop and smell the roses philosophy so to speak.
I am more patient
I think about small things more things i would day before them i dont done anymore
I feel like having kids made me live in the moment, and taught me what was really important. Being a mom is the best thing in my life. I love my kids more than anything.
4mariemh atgmaildot com
I consider myself an amazing multi-tasker thanks to my daughter
They have changed me for the better by teaching me patience
Teaching me time management
My kids have changed me completely. The minute I had my first son I knew that the world wasn’t all about me anymore. For the first time I experienced true selflessness. I have 3 grown sons and 2 grandsons now and they are the most important things in the world to me.
They have changed me so so much. I would say that they have taught me that life is not glamorous, and when it is most ordinary you have reached the best of it.
My kids give me a serious reality check when they say/do things that drive me crazy – the main reason being because I know they learned or inherited a lot of those behaviors/traits from me (i.e. over-dramatic, whining, perfectionist… it could be a very long list). It has helped me to self-evaluate and self-regulate my emotions/reactions to set a better example for them, help them each to be a better person than I am, and hopefully to change myself for the better too.
I’ve become much more patient & accepting!
They have taught me patience.
My kids have taught me to appreciate the little things and patience.
My kids have made me more outgoing!
They have made me more patient and have given me so much joy
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I have found love, patience, and happiness with my babies.
My daughter has made me much more creative. I see all the many uses of something. She is never boring!
My kids taught me patience and letting go to have fun.
They have taught me to be more patient.
My nephew has taught me patience and how to enjoy life. The only kids I have are my cats, but I love my nephew like he was my son.
my kids have changed my life for the better by showing me how to enjoy the little things in life. life is too short to be mad, just smile and have a good time.
My daughter is teaching me to slow down and have more patience. My son has a congenital heart defect, and he is teaching me to not take anything for granted. If I’m having a bad day, my goofy, silly kids can snap me out of it.
My two little boys are the best things I have ever done. They make me whole.
to be more patient.
My kids have made my alot more responsible and caring.
I am more aware of the impact I have on the world.
i had my first child while still in high school at the age of 18. At the time i was into having fun with friends and my biggest priority was myself, boys and parties. Once i had my daughter i had to grow up quick. i got two jobs, dropped out of school and got my GED. I lost the majority of my friends which was fine because i had bigger priorities. I no longer was able to date like i used to or party. I am now married with three kids and am fortunate to stay home with my kids. Having my daughter changed my life for the better. She taught me to grow up and love someone more than i ever thought possible. I look at alot of the people i went to school with and see them still partying into their 30′s, single and alot of them unhappy. Unfortunately a big chunk of my classmates are no longer with us anymore due to crime and drugs. I look back and wonder if it weren’t for my daughter if i would end up the same path.
It’s no longer about me, because my son always comes first before anything else.
My kids taught me love, patience and responsibility
I’ve never had kids. I think they teach you to live in the moment.
Thanks for the contest.
I understand love so much more and the future is even more important I have a million times more patience. I also use to wish for time to fly by (growup) and now I wish it would slow down.
Motherhood is loaded with lessons. I’m slowly learning to be more generous, kind, gentle, patient, and self-controlled.
Make me not overreact to small things
I have learned it is not all about me Thank you
Made me more responsible.
Children make me more responsive to others needs.
Kids help me be carefree.
I am pretty sure my chikdren taught me that i would never be alone (NEVER, not even to pee)