As of RIGHT NOW if someone knocked on the door I wouldn’t be ashamed to let them come in. All the general living areas of the house are in fairly decent shape with no visible disgusting messes. Except the basement. The basement is full of water. Hopefully it stops raining before the whole house floats away and no one gets to see my nice clean kitchen.
Aquarium day
Mr. Ray says hi
Peas in a pod enamored with technology
Despite the face, she was very excited about the flower
Scanned and Artkived 6 months of kids art so I could THROW IT AWAY
Hugging the bump
I got an emissions inspection, he built a castle
Comparing our big bellies
Happy to be in a second session of swimming
Pretending it’s spring
Drive-thru dinner makes me happy too
Getting their namaste on
Thank you Aunt Sara! Unicorn is their new favorite!
ALMOST warm enough to be outside
Helping Brutus be brave
All of us doing things we love: Caroline is napping, Evan is building, I am watching HGTV
“Reading” me the info about her first dance recital!
Father-son bonding over blowing shit up
I spent 2 hours last night trying to pick a font for a new header. You probably didn’t even notice.
This is going to be a crazy week leading up to Evan’s birthday party on Saturday (FIVE! FIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!) but I’m excited. The weatherman is promising it will warm up, there are crocuses blooming in my yard, and my house looks like it’s been attacked by pirates. In a good way. They left a lot of hats.
I also have big plans to get my eyebrows done. I live a very exciting life.
I was also accepted to promotion for that new Disney Pirate Fairy movie that means I HAVE to go buy it the day it comes out and the kids HAVE to watch it. Considering they both scream their heads off every time the preview comes on it shouldn’t be a hardship. Like my friend Sara said, Disney basically buys ad space on the inside of parents’ eyelids, but in this case they’re also paying me to make my kids wicked happy. Blogging is still cool, even if I’m not super good at it anymore.