My Week(179) in iPhone Photos
Forgive me, it was party week, so I am late. Basically everything between now and August will be late, although my only real excuse will be “pregnant” or “giving birth”. Those actually sound like better excuses than a 5 year old’s birthday though.

Evan got TWO of these rockets for his birthday and they are both his favorite. Highly recommend for any kid.
Even for us, that week involved a lot of dress up. My laundry pile is sort of insane right now, but I HAVE TO FINISH MY TAXES. I HAVE TO. RIGHT NOW. NOTHING ELSE IS BEING DONE UNTIL I FINISH THEM.
I figure if I type that enough times I might actually do it. Anyone want to barter tax prep services for a photo shoot next year? Or you can come punch me repeatedly in the face. Or how about a kid? I will give you this next baby if you agree to do my taxes forever. (Not really, but it’s tempting. I’m really, really overwhelmed.)
p.s. It is supposed to be 65 degrees tomorrow and I will probably take the kids to the beach. Because that’s how we roll in New England.
p.p.s. My birthday is Thursday. I’m getting my teeth cleaned.
Tags: birthday, bump, Caroline, dress up, evan, food, ipad, iphone photos, kitchen, my week in iphone photos, new england, party, pregnant, shopping, snow, spring, swimming
65 degrees sounds AWESOME. It’s going to be 68 here on Thurs but rainy :(.
The party looks so fun! Did you keep the packaging on the stomp rockets by any chance? I would love to know the brand. We have been disappointed in a few of those.
Thanks for the shoutout! The whole party looks fantastic. I wish I had half the party planning drive that you do.
Um, wrong post. Not sure how I did that…