Can you believe I’ve done this nonsense for 250 weeks? Caroline wasn’t even BORN when I did the first one. So I suppose I can’t even think about quitting, despite the fact that I can barely remember to do them. This one is late and I had to check my dates three times because it’s so hard to believe a week ago we were still on vacation. Real life happens SO FAST.
Evan is doubtful that 3 people in a one person kayak is wise.
Linc loves vacation
Caroline is ALWAYS ready for more pictures
If you look hard enough, you can almost see New York down the river
I liked the reflection in the back of that tanker
Linc is happy to see all his stuff again
Caroline is writing a song
Grumpy pants needed a walk to get ready for bed
I really, really love this front porch.
The zoo was so fun.
I will never get tired of these photos.
I had three ladies tell me they liked my hair and none of them even notice I was nursing a baby.
Lunch at Quincy Market should always involve a lobster roll
Boston Children’s Museum
Linc was over Boston (and I was over my poor choice of shirt on a 90 degree day)
I was really good at juggling, if my really good you mean terrible
Red Lantern at Foxwoods = ORDER ALL THE SUSHI
They must have bought those water bottles at Target. Poor confused children.
What? I’m hungry.
I forgot I had Virginia vacation photos to post, plus I have the post about our fun date at Foxwoods, so as long as I don’t die of heatstroke (we’re on day 5 or 6 of 90 degrees plus) I’ll have more new blog stuff up soon.