Posts Tagged ‘boy’

A Noise With Dirt On It

Friday, April 14th, 2017

While my parents were visiting, they helped get our yard and garden under control. In the corner by the porch steps, Mom cut back a rhododendron which left a big section of dirt exposed. Then I dug up the side flower bed that’s been overrun with grass for the past few years. So there is currently a lot of dirt in the yard for Linc to play with. He is pretty excited about it.

Dirty AND a runny nose. He’s two.

Evan’s First Birthday: Food

Monday, April 5th, 2010

I spent so much time painstakingly cutting out paper triangles, sewing yards of banner and hunting down just exactly the right font for my invitations that I completely forgot about providing food for Evan’s circus birthday party until the last minute. All I had planned was cake and candy and – although those are two of MY favorite food groups – I don’t think most people consider Pixie Stix and fondant a balanced meal. Also, I thought maybe giving all the kids an option besides SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUUUUUUUGAAAAAAAAAAAAAR would be a wise choice. I’m all about the wise choices.

I tried to stick with my circus/carnival theme, which made munchy, snacky food a good option. Here’s what we ended up with:

Hot dogs
Soft pretzels
Cotton candy
Animal crackers
Salt water taffy
Rita’s Italian Ice
Jones Soda
Pink and Yellow Lemonade
…and a whole bunch of random candy I used as decoration rather than food.

first birthday circus cake

Circus cake by Amanda, covered in homemade fondant, top layer is rice krispie treat, second layer vanilla, bottom is chocolate. Delicious AND gorgeous!

circus birthday party food

Dining room table buffet. The empty bowl is for the giant soft pretzels. Also missing: nacho dip.

My mom cut up GALLONS of fruit because she loves me and would like to let me keep all my fingers

circus birthday party food

$10 popcorn machine from Craigslist, boxes from party store online

circus birthday party food cotton candy

Mini-cotton candy bags bought in bulk from BJ’s (Circus tray from Goodwill)

circus birthday party food hot dog

Hot dog trays from iParty, old-fashioned ketchup & mustard from grocery store

circus birthday party food

Jar from a flea market, animal crackers from Target, candy stand from TJMaxx, taffy from Christmas Tree Shops

circus birthday party drinks

The lemonade has lemons floating in it, the pink lemonade has pink ice cubes with cherries in them. Cups from Celebrate Express online, straws from grocery store, milkglass vase from flea market, drink pitches from Target.

circus birthday party drinks

Rita’s Ice! I got a 2.5 gallon party bucket, which was MORE than enough and they let me borrow a scoop and gave me free cups. Loooooove Rita’s!

circus birthday party smash cake

Vanilla smash cake with buttercream frosting for Baby Evan – the pictures are FANTASTIC. It was a GREAT idea thought of and baked by Amanda. Cake stand is mine from a flea market.

Check out more party posts including circus party decorations and our circus party photo booth.

First Prize

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

After a couple of really challenging days with a baby who refused to nap and cried for no discernible reason, things are looking up in the Davis household. That’s the understatement of the year. Things in the Davis household have gone from a ticking time bomb of screaming, harsh words and hurt feelings to a princess riding a unicorn as it jumps over a rainbow and two little bluebirds fly by carrying a banner that says “Mother of the Year!!”

This change in the emotional weather is almost entirely due to the change in the actual weather – from wintery sleet and cold to gorgeous spring sunshine. There are buds on the trees. My fleece jacket is forgotten. Birds are singing. Crocuses are crocusing all over my garden. The baby got his first taste of fresh spring dirt. It’s amazing how much easier it is to be patient, loving and kind when I can entertain a bored, grumpy baby with just a few steps out my back door. It’s days like these where being a mom feels like the best job in the whole world.

The best kind of spring flowers are the kind you never had to plant in the first place.

I'm in yur garden, stompin' on yur daffodils.

This one doesn't look so good. Let me just pull it up for you.

I'm so good at helping! I can't wait to pull up ALL the stuff you try to put in these pots!

Boy, n.: a noise with dirt on it.