Baby Picture Post
For your NOM NOM NOMMING pleasure.
Coming home from the hospital:
No Brutus, that’s not for you. And he is definitely not a chew toy so stop with the sniffing.
Do I need to explain why we’ve started calling him Peanut? And yes, Daddy’s playing WoW while holding the baby. As long as he keeps changing the diapers he can play all dorky computer games he wants.
This is how Baby Evan looks after he eats. I dare you not to chew on your computer screen. Double Dog Dare you.
And if you notice in the background, that is totally our changing table in the family room. We spend 90% of our baby time down here anyways, and leaning over to change him on the pack’n’play was killing my E’s back. We’ll bring it back upstairs eventually. “Eventually” probably meaning after he’s toilet trained.
Such a cutie! :)
If Brutus is anything like my mom’s dogs, he was just looking for the squeaker inside E. All toys have them, he’s thinking. Where’s this one’s?
I love those pics, and have received 100 percent of my daily recommended dose of nom-nom. I also love the new counter, even if the whale is going to eat Lowercase before too long.
You feel free to send me Brutus any time. Also, I just died from how cute your kid is. OMG.
So, do you take appointments for nomming your baby? He is precious!!! So happy the feeding is working out better too, the more milk the more rolls to nom later!!!
He’s adorable and I luv the Brutus pic!!
Oh my goodness the sleepy post feed picture kills me. Also, I am practically a professional baby rocker, if uh, you want to hand him over for a while.
Oh he is so, so cute! And I don’t even LIKE babies!