First Prize

After a couple of really challenging days with a baby who refused to nap and cried for no discernible reason, things are looking up in the Davis household. That’s the understatement of the year. Things in the Davis household have gone from a ticking time bomb of screaming, harsh words and hurt feelings to a princess riding a unicorn as it jumps over a rainbow and two little bluebirds fly by carrying a banner that says “Mother of the Year!!”

This change in the emotional weather is almost entirely due to the change in the actual weather – from wintery sleet and cold to gorgeous spring sunshine. There are buds on the trees. My fleece jacket is forgotten. Birds are singing. Crocuses are crocusing all over my garden. The baby got his first taste of fresh spring dirt. It’s amazing how much easier it is to be patient, loving and kind when I can entertain a bored, grumpy baby with just a few steps out my back door. It’s days like these where being a mom feels like the best job in the whole world.

The best kind of spring flowers are the kind you never had to plant in the first place.

I'm in yur garden, stompin' on yur daffodils.

This one doesn't look so good. Let me just pull it up for you.

I'm so good at helping! I can't wait to pull up ALL the stuff you try to put in these pots!

Boy, n.: a noise with dirt on it.

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3 Responses to “First Prize”

  1. I hear you on the weather! It does wonders to be all “Ok, you wanna keep screaming? Let’s go outside!” This way we can join other screaming children at the park. And nothing guarantees a good nap like fresh air.

  2. Brigid Keely says:

    We still have snow in our front yard. Snow over a thick layer of clay-y mud.

  3. Merin says:

    I totally agree!! It’s like someone built a children’s museum just outside my door. Hooray for Spring!

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