Posts Tagged ‘rain’

Our First Disney Trip: Stuff To Bring

Thursday, June 22nd, 2017

This post contains affiliate links, so if you click through I make a few pennies. I purchased everything in this post with my own actual dollars.

Disney trip packing list

As part of my Disney World prep research, I’ve found lists on lists on lists. Disney packing lists, lists of things you can buy before your trip, things you can bring to make your trip easier, things you absolutely must not forget, things you should have shipped to your hotel, things you can get cheaper before you go and obscure things you never would have even thought to pack. (My Pinterest board has a lot of those lists saved.)

It’s a lot of lists, is what I’m saying. I bought almost everything on every list I found because a) I like to be prepared and b) I like buying things. It turns out some of this stuff was WAY more useful/fun/important than others, so I’ve added notes explaining what changes I’ll make if (when) we go again.

Weather related:

Rain cover for Disney World

  1. Second seat and rain cover for our stroller. I have a gorgeous Joovy Caboose Ultralight Graphite stroller that has a sit-and-stand rear bench seat. But because I have two kids who will need to nap during the day I wanted two full seats for resting. I got the rain cover because I took the “June is the rainiest month in Florida” advice to heart. Aaaaand then I forgot to pack the stupid rain cover. Good news: Amazon Prime delivered one to our hotel on day 2. And it was totally worth it – it rains every day in Florida in June and the days with the rain cover were way easier than the days without the rain cover.
  2. Cheap ponchos. Kid-sized ponchos for the kids and grown-up sized ponchos for me and E from the dollar store. We all own perfectly nice raincoats, but who has room for raincoats? Ponchos are the way to go. Post-trip advice: The Disney ponchos you get in the parks are WAY nicer than dollar store ponchos. They gave us a set as part of the special Star Wars tour we did, but next time I will just buy the official park ones if we need them.
  3. Cooling towels. I’ve been meaning to buy one of these for a while to help keep the baby cool when I wear him during hot summer months. This seemed like the right time to invest in a couple and see if they really help. (They helped enough to be worth the purchase.)
  4. Sneakers PLUS extra shoes. I bought these cute, super lightweight sneakers for myself a few months ago and broke them in. My back-up shoes are my trusty sparkle flip-flops from last year . E bought sneakers and waterproof shoes from Land’s End. I got new shoes for the kids a few weeks before we left and had them break them in – second-hand Crocs for all three kids, plus sneakers.
  5.  Sunscreen. Tons of sunscreen.
  6. Rechargeable misting fan. This was great both as a way to cool down and as a way to distract a bored toddler.

Souvenier related:

  1. Lanyards to hold Disney pins. I ordered 3, because I figured I should include Linc even though he’ probably too small to really understand pin trading. Plus the little pouches on the end will be good for holding pressed pennies (see #3).
  2. A whole bunch of pins for trading. This post is a great explanation of pin trading and I took his advice and found a reputable seller on Ebay to order some pins for the kids to get started. I was pleasantly surprised with what we got – lots of princesses and Mickeys, not just junk. When I divided 50 pins up by 3 lanyards it filled them almost completely, so the kids will be able to trade as much as they want. Here is my pin trading advice: it is really fun, but it is time-consuming and the backs fall off the pins A LOT. We ended up buying extra backs at the park because it got so annoying. We will probably do more pin trading on future trips, but I wouldn’t put it on my must-do list for kids at Disney.
  3. Change for the pressed penny machines. My kids LOVE pressing pennies – there are machines at a lot of New Englandy tourist attractions, so we do them fairly often. I decided to plan ahead for Disney with as much advice as I could find. I sorted our change collection to find pennies from before 1982 so they’re all solid copper. I cleaned and polished them with white vinegar. And then I stacked the pennies with 2 quarters into a mini M&M’s tube, so it’s easy to grab correct change each time we see a machine. I even made a cute label for the tube. Post-trip advice: you don’t have to make it a huge thing like I did, but the penny machines are everywhere and really fun. Bring some change.
  4. Secure a toy leashes. I figured at some point, Linc would talk me into buying him a plush and then we would probably lose it immediately. I tried to prevent that by being prepared to attach his new lovey to either the stroller or the Tula. Good news: this worked with the Woody doll. Bad news: I didn’t put one on Pluto and we lost him immediately.
  5. Over the door organizer for our reusable drink cups. I saw this on a blog and thought it was GENIUS. These cups are going to be super popular this summer back at home, so I really wanted to make sure we held on to them. Real world experience: Meh. We brought the cups to the parks 2 days and never actually filled them with water. You only get free soda refills at the resorts, so although they were good at the hotel they weren’t worth dragging around the parks. Our meals came with drinks so we mostly just drank during meals and the kids used water fountains in between.
  6. A whole bunch of glow sticks. We have plans to hit light shows/parades/fireworks at every park. Planning ahead will hopefully save me a bunch of cash and let my kids share with other kids around us to make our evenings more fun. A+ IDEA, will do again.
  7. An autograph book. I bought the official Disney Parks one from the Disney Store. Then I also read a great tip that a book of Disney characters makes a fun souvenir kids can look at and re-read long after the trip. I figure the kids could spend time in lines, at meals and between attractions marking pages and looking for the characters they wanted to have sign their book. I also bought mini sharpies for the kids to keep on their lanyards and fancy pens to use with the princesses. Some of the advice I read said things like that make it easier for the characters to interact with you, and since we’re doing several character meals I wanted to make sure the kids have great interactions. <—— Get the book, this was SUPER fun. Linc pointing at the picture of the character he was meeting and saying “You!!! You!!!!” was adorable every time.
  8. Rainbow Wikki Stix for the kids to play with while waiting for meals.
  9. Jedi Academy books. Evan loves these, I figured a new one would be a good surprise.
  10. A few small stuffed toys from the Disney Store. Definitely cheaper to order online during a sale and pull them out as surprises instead of paying the in-park mark-up.
  11. Tiaras from Claire’s at the mall. Again, cheaper to bring than buy!
  12. Other small toys – a Moana doll for Caroline, some Star Wars stuff for Evan, etc – collected from Target, Amazon, Disney Store over the past months. We ended up buying 3 pirate swords, ears for everyone, and 3 Jedi light sabers, but bringing surprised toy gifts definitely saved me from buying more expensive stuff in the parks.

Pin trading at Hollywood Studios

Pin trading at Hollywood Studios

Alternative to a Disney character autograph book



  1. Disney band-aids. Because everything has to be Disney themed.
  2. New skin for blisters.
  3. Tylenol and Advil in dosages for every family member.
  4. Zip-lock bags in big a medium sizes.
  5. BIG band-aids for skinned knees.
  6. Anti-chafe gel, for me.

Other stuff:

  1. A cheap waterproof holder for my phone.
  2. A new strap for my camera so I can wear it cross-body.
  3. A portable charger for the cell phones. I would honestly recommend getting one of these to anyone. We’ve used it a TON before we even leave for vacation – it’s so handy to charge my phone in my purse while I shop at Target or wait at ballet.
  4. Two Pokemon Go Plus devices. Don’t judge! As a family we all still love to play, but I don’t want anyone staring at their phone (including me!) while we’re in the parks. The kids love carrying these and seeing them light up and buzz.

And here are the things I would add to the lists:

  1. Baby carrier(s). E and I both wore both kids every day. I wore Finn constantly (it felt like constantly at least) because it was the easiest way to nurse. He also napped better on me. And in the evenings when it was time to go back to the hotel and Linc was passed out in the stroller, it was great to be able to put him on our backs when we had to fold up the stroller for the bus. I was a little worried there would be a lot of rules for wearing on rides, but only one time did anyone say anything about turning Finn around.
  2. Diaper cream. HERE IS MY BEST DISNEY TIP: Bring diaper cream. Even if you don’t have kids in diapers. It’s very, very soothing on any chaffed skin or rashes or sore spots. My husband would recommend boxer briefs over regular boxers and I would recommend cotton underwear and we both really recommend diaper cream.
  3. Sunglasses for the kids. When it was sunny, it was REALLY sunny, and they were grumpy when they didn’t have their sunglasses.
  4. Googles. We forgot ours and had to buy them in the hotel shop for the day we spent at the hotel pool.
  5. Batteries. You’ll need them for something, at some point, and they’re way cheaper when you buy them outside of the parks.
  6. A large, comfortable backpack to hold all your stuff. You can take your bag with you on almost every ride (worst case is you leave it in a cubby like on the Avatar ride) and if you have kids you’re carrying a lot of stuff, so make sure you have a bag you don’t hate carrying. And pack efficiently, because if you do have to fold up the stroller for transportation, you need to get all the junk you’ve shoved into the basket of the stroller back in the bag.

Babywearing at Disney World

If you’re lucky enough to be going on a kid-free Disney trip, let me condense the list down for you: Cell phone, comfortable shoes, diaper cream, sunglasses. You DSLR if you’re someone who likes photography. Don’t carry anything you don’t have to, because you’ll need your hands free for snacks, drinks and pointing and laughing at all of us who are schlepping tons of stuff around for the kids.

I JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING ELSE! I ordered BitBelts for our Magic Bands and they were a lifesaver. They saved everyone’s Magic Bands from falling off at least once. Totally worth a couple bucks, because losing a Magic Band would be such a hassle and could ruin all your plans for the day.

My Week(338) in iPhone Photos

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

Someone shared this article about Grand Designs on Facebook last week and I’ve been binging the episodes available right now. I really need everyone to go watch it so we can talk about how bananas some of these houses are. I can’t even decide which one I love the most, but the very best part of the show is that it follows through ALL THE WAY to the end. The home flipper shows on HGTV drive me crazy when they say “if we sell it, we’ll make $100,000! So far, no offers.” WELL THAT’S NOT REALLY YOUR PROFIT YET, IS IT? The British have weird houses made out of mud, by at least they FOLLOW THROUGH.

That had nothing to do with this post, except it’s what I’ve been watching while I catch up. And now I’m caught up!


Easter bunny haul

He bought this with his birthday gift card and is SO pleased

Just chilling out, feeding myself a bottle as if that’s something I’ve EVER DONE BEFORE


Super happy to be shopping with me!

SUPER over shopping with me

Oh you know, just letting the 2 year old run away (E is watching him from behind that tree)



Gorgeous weather for a beach wedding!

My new glasses are…big

Did nothing else but edit wedding photos because I was so excited


Staying hyrdrated

Toddler yoga

Lots of naps


Octonaut playdate was VERY much enjoyed by toddlers

This is called Nine Man Morris, they learned at Old Sturbridge Village and E made them a board





Starbucks date


Puddle playdate

The futuuuuuuuuuuuure!

The opposite of the future



How to escape your children

The opposite of escaping your children

It turns out Grand Design does sometimes give up on people – the mud house never got finished. So I guess I don’t have to feel guilty about being terrible at following through with some things. I think tonight I’ll finish a whole pint of ice cream and celebrate my success. Hashtag goals.

My Week(336) in iPhone Photos

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

I can’t believe I am still doing this, even after falling behind, even on weeks that are super boring, even though when I started I had ONE KID and was pregnant with Caroline. The blogger friend who inspired it hasn’t blogged in years. And yet I refuse to give it up – it’s like the longest baby book in the world.


Feeding baby goats is fun even if you’re a cool 8-year-old

Baby snuggles, front and back

We are SO GLAD it’s spring


This is a good look

Selling some of my favorite baby wraps

Unicorn helmet is life


This is why I usually wear him

So far, the Caffeine eye cream and the Niacinamide are fantastic

I’m being attacked by balloons


Eight today!

Sup, frog?

Linc has to ALWAYS be touching someone


Rainy day walking

Super excited to be at the doctor, I guess

I don’t know what’s happening here



Everyone loves Bumpa

Oreo cake was requested, Oreo cake was purchased


Still 8, and I still can’t believe he’s so old

They made hand puppets out of the silverware sleeves

Bubble bath + tub jets = LOTS OF SUDS

We turned off the heat in the house, which means I’m putting away the winter coats but also wearing a sweater all day because it’s actually still pretty cold. But the trees and flowers and blooming and that means winter is OVER. I had forgotten how dirty children get when they’re out in the garden. I should buy stock in a bubble bath company.

My Week(288) in iPhone Photos

Sunday, May 8th, 2016

It was another very dark, very rainy week but according to my weather app the next few days should be GREAT. I am clinging to the promise of sunshine.



Very important food


Caroline might not have a career as an artist, but she sure LOVES painting


The cat is obsessed with my bump



Jurassic World was on TV so we watched it for the 200th time


New RocksBox, my favorite kind of mail (if you want a free month, use: bebehblogxoxo)


His new selfie face



He loved my dentist because of this fish


Shopping helper


Brother love



Jack doesn’t judge me when I take naps


Go awaaaaaaaaaay


Suffocating your sister is hilarious



My orchard looks terrible in this photo, luckily it looked GREAT for my shoot




He’s ready to dance as soon as Nashville plays music



Babies helping babies


No-nap baby loves coming to the bus stop


Piano lessons



Fishing tournaments are more fun if the fish show up


Linc doesn’t understand why we are standing in the rain


An excellent way to end the week

I had a very nice Mother’s Day today, with lots of sitting down and someone else doing all the baby work and children who regularly asked if I was having a good day. I didn’t get to plant any Mother’s Day flowers yet, but since this week should be warm and sunny I’ll fix that as soon as possible. I’ll also be able to FINALLY do the blue-or-pink reveal for this baby with the kids (we know what we’re having, they do not, so I want to tell them before I blog it). I’ve never bothered with a big gender reveal before, so I wanted to do it this last chance I had.

Fingers crossed for sunshine.

My Week(284) in iPhone Photos

Sunday, April 10th, 2016

This week was very long. Or at least it felt very long. I think all the weeks feel long when it’s SNOWING IN APRIL.



Morning baths are hilarious


Can you see that? Bright blue sky, GIANT SNOWFLAKES.


I took all of the ugly shirts out and replaced them with Mini Boden, because I am a kid clothes snob.



Go home Connecticut, you’re drunk.


All my children should wear this color always


We made cupcakes for Evan’s birthday and I let them eat all the leftover frosting for dinner



Too many fingers


Take all these cakes right over there to the checkout. All of them.


Neither of us is thrilled that he is NOT napping



Linc agrees The Price is Right is the best way to spend the morning


The most delicious food you can eat – Fried Chicken Benedict from Hash House a Gogo


Casinoing like a champ



Loves his new diapers


Also loves plain grapefruit for breakfast


Better than snow?



Linc is stalking my flowers


Everyone loves whatever this pointless game is


This is why I never have any water





He would pretend to collect eggs and pretend to milk cows all day



There is no snow in the current forecast. I feel very hopeful that we might actually get some spring in the near future, or at least less snow. I can’t handle much more snow. I’m too pregnant for snow. My entire maternity wardrobe is maxi dresses and cardigans, so it has to be at least 60 degrees as soon as possible. OK THANKS GOOD TALK.