Archive for the ‘Wordless Wednesday’ Category
Wordless Wednesday: Spring Break 2016
Wednesday, May 11th, 2016Wordless Wednesday: Apple Picking 2015
Wednesday, November 11th, 2015Remember when Wordless Wednesday was a thing and I could just post photos and people still came and looked at them?
But don’t look at these too much, for some reason the colors look terrible. Ugh.
Wordless Wednesday: Snow Fun
Wednesday, March 4th, 2015Wordless Wednesday: Last Days of Fall
Wednesday, November 12th, 2014Some mom friends and I took the kids down to Bluff Point for a hike since we didn’t have school on Tuesday. 5 moms and 11 kids. When we got to the beach all the big kids went off on an adventure while the babies hung out on the sand and ate rocks. It was so nice to be out of the house in the fresh (warm) air ALL DAY…plus the gingers all slept amazingly well last night.
What Caroline Wore: Vintage handknit sweater, dress from Land’s End, Target leggings, Boots from Zulily
What Evan Wore: Mini Boden sweater and jeans
And then when we got home I found a TICK on my BABY. Stupid warm weather.