Archive for the ‘Week in iPhone Photos’ Category
Tuesday, October 31st, 2017
We had a storm Sunday night. I ended up sleeping on the couch because it was so windy and loud on the top floor where my bedroom is. Then the cable and internet were out. Then the basement flooded. On the other hand, we didn’t lose power here at the house, but because it was out in other towns our super crazy busy afternoon ended up being a pretty relaxed afternoon. I’m still so tired I almost fell asleep in the McDonald’s drive thru.
My little pirate tried her first macaron
The face is part of the costume, he liked the cookie
Why does Linc look like he’s 10?
Literally the only photo on my camera roll from this day
Playing trucks while we wait for the bus
Package protector
I bought 4 of these in August when I heard they might be popular. I guess they’re not THAT popular.
Hello gorgeous
He’s getting so LONG
Things that went through the washing machine this week
Caroline’s teacher suggested she might want a retake. Caroline couldn’t figure out why, she LOVES her picture. So we’re keeping it.
Fell asleep face down in the cookies.
Fancy fall hair
My little monkies on their favorite boat
He demanded I take this photo
I have this horrible cough that will not go away. I think it’s allergies causing post-nasal drip that’s clogging up my lungs, but whatever it is it’s ruining my week. I have these coughing fits that sound like I’m an old-fashioned lady dying of consumption. It causes a pounding headache and keeps me from sleeping. MOST of the time I’m totally fine and don’t feel sick at all, but then I get hit with an episode. Too bad I can’t take the nighttime cough meds during the day, That stuff is amazing.
Tags: brothers, Caroline, evan, fall, finnegan, fun, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, mystic, mystic seaport, naps, pirates, school pictures, siblings, sift, target
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 2 Comments »
Friday, October 27th, 2017
What day is it? Where am I? When was this? All the weeks seem both a million years ago and like they are still happening right now.
Sleeeeeeepy baby
This is Lincoln running away because I am the meanest
The kids are doing yoga right now while I am typing this recap
Pajamas on the porch
When he outgrows these boots, he’ll go barefoot forever
Picking up Brutus at the vet
Stupid bug bite turned into an INSANE rash
Sure, that’s normal.
Someone wasn’t getting enough attention
Sick, miserable kiddo
Back to the doctor for some prednisone
Farmer’s market night
The price I pay for sleeping in for half an hour
Corn maze adventure
Caroline does handstands, Finn shares his juice
The weather went from being full-time amazing to rainy and dark and it reminds me that in a couple weeks daylight savings will end and it will be dark by the time the kids get home from school. AND THEN WE STILL HAVE TO GO TO ALL OUR ACTIVITIES. I do not love this part of the year in New England. At least in a few weeks I can start on Christmas and that will cheer me up.
Tags: Caroline, Connecticut, corn maze, evan, fall, family, farmers market, finnegan, food, halo top, iphone photos, kids, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, naps, sick, yoga
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Thursday, October 26th, 2017
I’ve been using my phone to keep children quiet, so it’s often a) dead b) busy or c) so filthy I can’t use the camera. It reminded me that when I started this project three hundred and sixty weeks ago it was funny more than serious. They weren’t supposed to be GOOD pictures. So right now, bad is mostly what I have.
Not a black eye, a mosquito bite.
Rewatching all of Game of Thrones, because why not
The days are long
Good kitty. I swear the older she gets the smaller she gets.
Couch climber
Back naps!
Tiny pumpkins for a tiny boy
Ready for picture day! Except we were a week early.
They both love this game
Our town hall is cool
My baby is cooler than me
He literally carries her around half the day but she still loves him
I really wish I could have gotten the geese flying OVER the moon
Ordering groceries and watching Outlander
My life is very exciting, if by exciting you mean incredibly mundane, normal, average and boring. It’s busy, for sure, but I’m starting to feel like my poor kids barely leave the state and I should really try to travel more. But then I remember traveling with kids is terrible so it’s back to the couch I go.
Tags: babywearing, brothers, Caroline, cat, evan, fall, finnegan, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, naps, night, shopping, siblings, sleeping
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Tuesday, September 26th, 2017
After a whoooole bunch of stress with our afternoon bus schedule, we’ve finally worked everything out and we’re just plain busy instead of super stressful busy. It’s good. We’re better at holding things together when we don’t have too much time to sit on the couch.
I love this umbrella
Living his best life
It’s important to practice before Halloween
Everyone is at school or asleep and I am RELAXING
The cat is obsessed with our heated floors
Enormous baby measured as enormous at his check up
We got the last one of these stupid things
This outfit makes me happy
It makes Finn happy too
Cookie time
I hope this are the memories they have of their childhoods
Very fancy facepaint
Pizza is his favorite
That’s her “I GOT A NEW BOW” face
I bought Wonder Woman yesterday, so we can watch it at home and in the car and alllll the time, because I would much rather memorize Wonder Woman than all the episodes of Paw Patrol on this stupid pirate adventure DVD. Once you can name all the dogs on Paw Patrol you lose part of your soul forever.
Tags: bathroom, best weekend of the year, Caroline, cat, Connecticut, dress up, evan, fair, finnegan, fun, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, pediatrician, shopping, target
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Thursday, September 14th, 2017
This was not my favorite week.
All my guys
Future so bright, you better wear shades
When Linc says pants are a shirt, he refuses to back down
That’s the eclipse, I swear
Doesn’t know how to cart correctly
I don’t know what this show is but I never want to see it again
I miss lake life already
Rocking the Seaport
Getting in some daddy cuddles
Such a big kid
Stupid submarine
Eating our feelings. They taste like frosting.
Bunny Caroline
Alien attack
Evan on the grown up rides
Before the mud at the Mud Run
More new bathroom! I love my new bathroom!
I’ve been having a bit of a battle with the school slash school bus company and today I won. I’m so relieved. As much as we really like being busy and on the go, I don’t like being late, breaking rules, or writing bitchy emails. Ok, I SORT of like writing bitchy emails, but not over and over. But starting next week we should just go back to regular busy – now with 100% more karate for Evan!
Tags: bathroom, bathroom remodel, brooklyn fair, Caroline, E, evan, faimly, finnegan, iphone photos, lake life, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, mystic, mystic seaport, Navy, rocks, shopping, target
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