Posts Tagged ‘outside’
Thursday, April 20th, 2017
I can’t believe I am still doing this, even after falling behind, even on weeks that are super boring, even though when I started I had ONE KID and was pregnant with Caroline. The blogger friend who inspired it hasn’t blogged in years. And yet I refuse to give it up – it’s like the longest baby book in the world.
Feeding baby goats is fun even if you’re a cool 8-year-old
Baby snuggles, front and back
We are SO GLAD it’s spring
This is a good look
Selling some of my favorite baby wraps
Unicorn helmet is life
This is why I usually wear him
So far, the Caffeine eye cream and the Niacinamide are fantastic
I’m being attacked by balloons
Eight today!
Sup, frog?
Linc has to ALWAYS be touching someone
Rainy day walking
Super excited to be at the doctor, I guess
I don’t know what’s happening here
Everyone loves Bumpa
Oreo cake was requested, Oreo cake was purchased
Still 8, and I still can’t believe he’s so old
They made hand puppets out of the silverware sleeves
Bubble bath + tub jets = LOTS OF SUDS
We turned off the heat in the house, which means I’m putting away the winter coats but also wearing a sweater all day because it’s actually still pretty cold. But the trees and flowers and blooming and that means winter is OVER. I had forgotten how dirty children get when they’re out in the garden. I should buy stock in a bubble bath company.
Tags: 8 years old, baby goats, babywearing, bikes, birthday, bumpa, cake, Caroline, evan, family, finnegan, iphone photos, lincoln, mormor, my week in iphone photos, mystic aquarium, outside, rain, shopping, spring, target, walks, yard
Posted in The Rest, Week in iPhone Photos | 1 Comment »
Monday, April 4th, 2016
I would have more nice things to say about our pretty nice week except it’s snowing right now and I am too annoyed to think ANY nice thoughts.
Guilty chocolate face
Church in their Sunday best
My LulaRoe Easter dress
This room is ALWAYS a disaster, but it’s worse mid-purge/clean
Getting muddy
Chillaxing in his new kicks
Nap snuggles
Every day they climb this tree
Remember this as the day my house was totally clean before bed
Really exciting box from Thirsties for the #mcmschallenge
Enjoying our last nice weather day
Wild things
Happy morning bebeh
I’m just going to steal her
At least I have one kid who sort of looks like me
My favorite tank
Nervous ear piercing face
Evan and Linc are twins
It is now snowing even harder than it was this morning and my mood is not improving. I’m going to go make some bacon and coffee and watch HGTV while Linc destroys the nice clean house I’ve been maintaining so nicely since that picture was taken.
Tags: aquarium, babies, babywearing, bump photos, Caroline, cloth diapers, easter, evan, family, friends, fun, lincoln, mystic, naps, outside, shopping, spring, target
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Monday, June 2nd, 2014
It’s unofficially summer now, so all the time not spent at the doctor was spent outside.
Take your children to work day (because people feed them),
They took turns pushing each other on a big kid swing. I’M FREEEEEE.
Look at all that glorious empty floor space! If I took that picture right now it would not look that clean. At all.
3 year old heaven
It is shocking our friends still agree to play marbles with my husband.
That is not her beer.
A block fell on his nose because his tower was REALLY tall
Playing with my piggies
Everything about this photo cracks me up
Awwwww, what a cute little ferret that will NEVER EVER COME TO OUR HOUSE
Mommy, take my picture!
(Fisheye) Lunch of the front steps
Gorgeous night for a maternity session
Peek a boo?
He takes my appointments very seriously
Can’t wait! Family movie day!
We can’t go to the grocery store without visiting our lobster friends.
False alarm contractions sent me to L&D and then home again. The good news (?) was I wasn’t imagining it, they could see them on the monitors. The better news is they weren’t doing anything so the doctor isn’t worried. The bad news is this will probably keep happening (minus going in to L&D) until I go into real labor.
BOTH kids have field days at school this week, so it’s time to stock up on sunscreen and bug spray and cross my fingers for afternoon naps. I have four photo sessions to finish editing, three trashed bedrooms to clean (because organizing and rearranging the second floor has gotten Out Of Hand), one zillion baby onesies to sort, and – in theory – a nursery to paint. That is probably not happening, but I can at least pick a color. Who wants to come over and stare at various shades of creamy off-white with me?
Tags: baby #3, brutus, Caroline, evan, friends, fun, house, memorial day, outside, shopping, summer, weirdos
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 3 Comments »
Saturday, April 14th, 2012
My birthday week is ending tonight with a husband-acquired babysitter and a viewing of The Hunger Games in an actual theater, which might seem lame but is pretty much the best thing ever. The weather today was amazing and is supposed to be even MORE amazing tomorrow so it’s easy to avoid looking at the piles of laundry and dishes I’m supposed to be doing by staying outside.


We're letting him practice with the toy mower now so we can put him to work for real when he's 4

Yoga: Yur doin it rong.

Lazy baby slept until 8:15

Practicing our kissy faces

The jets in the tub turn a bubble bath into a BUBBLE BATH

My birthday present was a baby who refused to wear clothes

I took a birthday nap. Sort of.

Purple roses from my sweetie

Crafty like a fox

These are all gone now

Couch naps have turned into floor naps

Poor feverish baby slept late

Toy box nap? Weirdos.

Single-parent bedtime means sometimes you carry a naked toddler on your shoulders

This is actually her happy face

Chalk & toes

Outside is the BEST side

Hmmm, maybe the peanut shells really aren't for eating

Practicing his slapshot

I enjoyed the sunshine for exactly 6 minutes before I felt my skin starting to fry.
Now I’m going to go re-pink-ify my hair and take a nap so I don’t fall asleep half way through the movie tonight. Happy weekend!
Did you take any camera phone photos this week? Link up with one or lots using the linky below and grab the code (so it shows on your blog too!) over at Amy’s . It’s really fun!
Tags: bath, birthday, candy, Caroline, E, evan, family, house, iphone photos, my week in iphone photos, outside, patio, sleeping
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 3 Comments »
Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

Heeeeeeeere's Evan!
I’m sorry, but the caption was absolutely essential. I almost fell over laughing when I saw his face.
Tags: faces, funny, little evan, outside, pictures, playhouse, spring, wordless wednesday
Posted in Wordless Wednesday | 10 Comments »