Look At This Stuff, Isn’t It Neat? {GIVEAWAY!!!!!}
Please excuse the exclamation points and the fact that it is apparently giveaway week here on my blog (I haven’t done any in months and then BAM! THREE AT ONCE!) but I had to resort to Twitter begging for this one and I don’t regret it one bit.
How would you like to win THE LITTLE MERMAID Diamond Edition 2-Disc Blu-ray+DVD Combo Pack with Digital Copy? Oh, a whole bunch? That’s what I thought.
For the record, Caroline has never actually seen The Little Mermaid. My copy is on VHS (still have it though!) and our library doesn’t have a copy from the last release Disney did. They do, however, have The Little Mermaid 2, the prequel in which Ariel’s mother dies on screen and we’ve seen it one million times. We also have four different Ariel dolls and as of yesterday Caroline has started asking for an Ariel dress. which I will probably cave into and buy her immediately. Because how do you tell your tiny red-head toddler she can’t be the best of all the princesses? You can’t. Or at least I can’t. Maybe you’re dead inside.
Check out The Little Mermaid website, where you can watch clips and play games, including Ariel’s Dress-Up, which I definitely did NOT play on my own for 20 minutes last night. Nope.
To enter to win your very own Diamond Edition 2-Disc Blu-ray+DVD Combo Pack with Digital Copy: Leave a comment on this post. For inspiration, let me start… “Look at this stuff, isn’t it neat?” (YOUR TURN!)
Official stuff: 1 entry per eligible household, winner must be 18 or older and a resident of US or Canada (no PO Box, please). Giveaway ends October 3rd, winner will be drawn with Random.org. I get my own copy in exchange for hosting this giveaway, which is why I am doing it. It’s been in my Amazon cart for MONTHS and now I can exchange the movie for the mermaid dress-up set. All opinions are my own.
Tags: Caroline, disney, gingers, giveaways, movies, princesses, sing-a-long, the little mermaid, things I love
Wouldn’t you think my collections complete?
We are SO excited for The Little Mermaid to come out!
Wouldn’t you think my collections complete?
Our almost two year old has really been loving Disney movies finally! Little Mermaid is next on the list of movies I wanted to show hum! This would be awesome!!
wouldn’t you think i’m girl who has everything
wouldn’t you think my collections complete? Wouldn’t you think I’m the girl, a girl who has… everything? Look at this trove, treasures untold
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Basically we are obsessed.
I’m clearly not the girl who has everything because I don’t have this movie. Though I may have made my dad leave the movie theater during it in 1989. 4 year olds can’t be trusted!
My little mermaid is having an Ariel themed birthday party. I might be more excited than her! This movie would make our collection complete!
He loves, he loves me not.
I love the Little Mermaid! I am sure, my little princess loving kiddo, would adore this movie.
My daughter would love this. She only just started watching full length movies and is suddenly into all the princess stuff now.
I’ve got who-zits and what-zits galoreeeeeeeeeeee
My ginger baby neeeeeeds this!
AHHHH!! How did you score such an awesome giveaway?!?! Charlotte needs a copy of the first ginger Disney princess!
The entire time we vacationed in Jamaica, I pretended I was Sebastian. Yeah, I like Disney a little too much. :)
Look at this stuff. Isn’t it neat? If I won this prize, man that’d be sweet!
I remember taking my little sister to see this in the theater! I bet my daughter would love it. She loves sticking forks in her hair!
I love this movie!
Wouldn’t you think my collections complete? I would love to win this for my older sister!
I love the Little Mermaid!
Sebastian: “Percussion, Strings, Winds, Words…”
A great song, wonderfully animated.
This would make our collection complete :)
My 3 year old has decided this month that Ariel and “Plounder” are her favorite characters, she would LOVE to have this!
Wouldn’t you think my collections complete? Wouldn’t you think with 2 girls I’d already own, own this film?
You want thing-a-ma-bobs… I got twenty… Is how many times a day my daughter watches my very old, very warbly worn out VHS!!!!
We saw a live version of this last spring, put on by a local kids theater company. The performance was really good. Rory hadn’t even seen the movie at that point and she was totally into it. Mermaids are awesome.
“Wouldn’t you think my collection’s complete? Wouldn’t you think I’m the girl. The girl who has everything!”….. Well, I actually don’t have everything, since I don’t have the Little Mermaid on Blu-Ray/DVD. My little girl would love it though! Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Wouldn’t you think my collection’s complete? Wouldn’t you think I’m the girrrrrlll the girl who hassss everrryyyttthiiinnggggggggg…..
Ariel: The Original Hoarder.
What’s that word again? Oh yeah, I want to win! I still don’t own this movie. And it is, by far, my favorite, because duh, red headed mermaid? Total win in my book. So excited it’s coming back out because I will own it for sure.
My SON would love this!! He’s never seen the movie but he is obsessed with water and swimming and fish and I really think he would absolutely fall head over heels for The Little Mermaid.
Two nights ago my four year-old and I sang a little duet of this song before bed and my heart just about exploded. BUT we don’t own the movie and I think we need to so that we can work on our vocal stylings!
My son adores Disney movies but he hasn’t seen this one yet (I haven’t seen it in a really long time either). He loves the music from movies too!
I would love to win this for myself (add to my Disney collection!) But first I would love to show this film to my little cousins as they have never seen the movie before
I still have a copy of it on VHS also!!! But no VHS player :(
My 3 year old would lose her little mind if I showed her this. She plays “memaid” in the bathtub every night and attempted to color her blonde hair red with a magic marker “wike Awiel”…instead of becoming Ariel I think the movie may suffice ;)
I haven’t owned this movie for a while but I have song floating around in my head right now. This was one of my favorites when I was a kid.
Look at this stuff, isn’t it neat? …
To win this movie for my two little princesses would be such a treat
They would definitely be dancing and singing in the street
Dreaming of under the sea adventures, this would be so sweet!
This was one of my favorite movies growing up (right behind Peter Pan) and my daughter has never seen it… Does that make me a horrible mother?! lol
wouldn’t you think my collections complete! my girls love ariel! She is they’re favorite princess!
Ahh! I’ve wanted this for my daughter for so long. Dang Disney Vaults. lol.
Look at this stuff, isn’t it neat? Wouldn’t you think my collections complete? We love this movie and I would love to have it on DVD- our copy is still VHS!?!?!
I’ve got gadgets and gizmos of plenty, I’ve whozits and whatsits galore. You want thinga ma-jiggs, I got plenty….. I could go on and on…
Wouldn’t you say my collections complete. Want this for my girlfriend.
Ariel was my favorite Disney princess. I still have this on VHS. Thanks for the giveaway!
Look this is neat because my kids love it. Would love to win for them.
mrsrodjac at hotmail dot com
Wouldn’t you think my collection’s complete? Wouldn’t you think I’m the girl, the girl who has everything? (except a copy of The Little Mermaid!)
Under the sea. Under the sea. Darling it’s better down where it’s wetter take it from me. :P Sorry for changing the song. I, like so many other posters here, still own this on VHS. haha Think we need to get with the times.
Look at this stuff, isn’t it neat? my niece would love it!
I LOVE “The Little Mermaid” — the music, colors, dialogue are all fantastic!!!! I can’t wait to watch the new release with the kids.