My Week(333) in iPhone Photos
Not that 333 actually represents anything especially meaningful, but it does seem like a ridiculously high number of weeks to have been doing this. When I started I only had ONE KID.


Just a few more sink baths before he’s big enough for the real tub

Adjusting my camera, my Sigma Art is still on point

And THIS is the grocery store I just finished terrorizing!

Make-up storage

I am officially just an armrest

Snow Day waffle assistants

Doing some journaling

My husband thinks he’s funny or something

Not quite spring yet

Library visit

She would have just stayed until they threw her out


Linc pretending he’s a big kid

Ignoring the mess because sometimes you just have to

Find the hidden toddler

Babies love babies

Linc took 800 photos just like this one

My spring banner is missing it’s flowers. Because children.

Sittin’ baby sits now

Cards and taco dip
Since today is only Friday, I’m now caught up on my weeks. I’ve started putting together stuff about our Disney trip already (the one we aren’t even going on for several more months) because I don’t want to forget all the sites I’ve found super helpful while we’re planning. But reading other people’s vacation recaps is my new favorite thing, so if you have any – or follow someone who has been to Disney and written about it – drop me a link. I could seriously read about standing in line to meet Anna and Elsa all day.
Tags: cards, Caroline, cold, cooking, evan, family, finnegan, friends, house, iphone photos, library, lincoln, mess, mobile baby, my week in iphone photos, organization, school, shopping, snow day, winter
When are you going to Disney? I am going for ONE day (blogger tix) when in Orlando for BlogHer, end of June. Freaking out over how much I want to do in just one day, lol, plus I’m volunteering this year (= free BH ticket) so I have a 1.5 hour meeting that day too …