My Week(189) in iPhone Photos
Sunday, June 15th, 2014Fun! Kidney stones! More fun! This week went by super fast, despite the break in the middle for allllllll the painkillers. It was the last full week of school too – Evan only has a few more days and then we’re all going to go work on our tans erry day.

Who let this kid get so TALL? (Also pretend he’s not wearing the same clothes as yesterday. It’s another fight I’m not having.)
We had a very nice Father’s Day (my husband just finished a rather large pitcher of mango margaritas) and I’m feeling much better. I have a couple of photo sessions this week that should be fun and easy and I have my fingers crossed I’ll get through the rest of this pregnancy problem-free. Technically I don’t HAVE to leave the house again until, like, September, so if I “waste” a few days lying on the couch while the kids watch Harry Potter movies we will all survive. Although like I said, the current plan is to beach it up as much as possible.