My Week(221) in iPhone Photos
Sunday, January 25th, 2015I took about a zillion pictures of Linc’s face this week, mostly because he refuses to be more than 6 inches away from MY face anymore. The babywearing is coming in handy, although I’m mostly using it in non-picturesque situations, like when I’m wearing pajamas and just need to pee. You don’t need to see a picture of that.
Soooooo I wrote that huge post about babywearing and literally no one read it so I feel like an idiot. I’ll stick to just talking about it with my real life friends who understand my crazy. Tomorrow the schools have just declared half day, and then Tuesday and Wednesday we’re having a STORMPOCOLYPSE so no one will be going anywhere. Yay snow! As of right now I’m pretty excited, although if we lose power I will be much much less so. Luckily we are all stocked up on milk, bread, toilet paper and wine. And diapers. And Diet Coke. We’re good.