Posts Tagged ‘dunkin donuts’

My Week(160) in iPhone Photos

Sunday, November 24th, 2013

Caroline talked me into rented one of the Barbie animated movies – something about magic pink horses? – and it was just about as awful as you can imagine. I would rather watch one million episodes of My Little Pony than anything Barbie-themed ever again.


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A bear, a Wuzzle and an angry bird walk into a bar…

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Weird things I drank today: apple cider vinegar in grapefruit juice, chia seeds in lemon water.

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Sleeping face.


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Mondays are royal occasions.

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Greeting her subjects as they arrive home.

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Hair stylist daddy brushes the ginger curls


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So much blue sky, so so cold


A recent family picture! It’s a miracle!


When that face says “pweeeeeeease??” I almost always say yes.


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The school’s Thanksgiving program was a fruit salad (my job was to send in a cantaloupe)…

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And a performance of some songs about turkeys and family

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Tiny Dunkin Fan.


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Bus stop cuddles

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Accurate Snow White portrayal


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Proof everyone – even Princesses – loves Target

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I think there are some kids under all that hair

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CLEARLY we needed an organizational system


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Maybe the highlight of the week.

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“Mommy I’m going to do my pose and Caroline is going to do her pose and you take a picture, OK?”

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If I could go back in time and start househunting again in CT, I wouldn’t even consider anywhere but Mystic.

I can’t believe this week is Thanksgiving already, especially because right after Thanksgiving it’s December. I’m not ready for December. I need way more than 2 week to finish getting ready for Caroline’s birthday party…and WAY WAY more than 2 weeks after that before Christmas. I am not prepared. AT ALLLLLLL.