My pictures this week are all blurry, of people’s back, or of nothing interesting. It’s actually a terrible representation of our week – we did a lot of stuff!! – but the more I have my big camera in my hands the less I use my phone. My poor Instagram feed is sadly neglected. Maybe some day I’ll find a balance.
A rare Suzanne sighting IN one of my pictures.
Couch naps at the lake – sleeping like a baby.
Oh, it’s cold and cloudy? NO1CURR. We want to swim.
Evan decided mint chocolate chip is his favorite, which was totally my favorite as a kid too.
Watching my kids play with my old toys in my old house is always weird.
Jersey Plates: FISTPMP (I was stopped, traffic was terrible)
This is how she feels about cheeseburgers
The moon is far less impressive in this picture, but was very cool. You’ll just have to trust me.
Hands in her pockets.
Don’t let her face fool you, she luuuuuvs frozen yogurt.
An evening walk-run-roll in the grass
For a kid who was having a TON OF FUN, that’s a pretty strong side-eye.
Dancing at the winery – they fell down a lot for people who weren’t even drinking.
DRIVE THRU STARBUCKS DRIVE THRU STARBUCKS IN MY TOWN! And whatever this peach green tea lemonade thing is is delicious.
What are these candies shaped like rings?? What sorcery is this?!?!?!
Gorgeous night for a photo shoot at the beach.
Princesses love strawberries for breakfast.
As close as I get to a day off – letting them destroy the house and watch TV.
Evening walk. Still in royal princess garb.
This week is going to be crazy too (pictures, orientation, Evan’s first day of school ON A BUS!) but hopefully I can do a better job blogging than I did last week. My mother will be very sad if I quite posting pictures of her grandchildren because I’m taking pictures of other people.
Tags: beach, Caroline, Connecticut, evan, fun, home, ice cream, kids, lake, rhode island, road trip, shopping, target, travel, virginia
OMG the ring-pop picture. He looks like he’s in deep contemplation about the ingredients list. XD
In the pic of Evan with the ice cream, Caroline looks like she is not pleased with it, lol.
Great pics as usual!