Chowder Days at Mystic Seaport – 2013

This should really be another installment of Pictures I Forgot About but I have words to say about Chowder Days. I LOVE CHOWDER DAYS. It’s one of the few things we’ve actually managed to do as a family for several years in a row now, so I’m calling it an official tradition. The weather this year was amazing and Caroline magically got over her fear of boats so we got to ride the water taxi and I got to take some pictures. It was surprisingly un-crowded for an event – not at all like the one time we tried to go to the wooden boat show and couldn’t find parking within 2 miles – so the kids could run around and try the old fashioned games and play on the boats. There was a minor meltdown involving whether or not Evan was going to participate in pumpkin painting, but he got over it pretty fast and made a “sea monster” gourd. It’s still sitting on my window sill.

seaport chowder days 2013

Apple fritters

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Spicy crab and corn chowder. It was delicious. E had the lobster bisque, which is the only kind of soup he likes.

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Shipyard beer at the shipyard!

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These things crack me up.

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I bought that dress at the consignment store in Mystic – it was $12, which was half price, which was probably 1/4 of the original price. It’s designer toddler-wear.

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For a kid who is refusing to go into the building and participate in craft time he looks surprisingly cheerful.

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Change of heart, he DOES like painting!

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The gingers attempt croquet on the great lawn

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I say old chap, nice swing!

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It’s been a full month since Chowder Days and these pictures are actually bumming me out. We’re well past the go-out-on-the-water-without-coats stage of fall and into the brown-brown-and-more-brown stage. I’m cold and I don’t like it.

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One Response to “Chowder Days at Mystic Seaport – 2013”

  1. Amanda B says:

    I think the seaport will be the first membership when we get back. It’s nice to be able to just let the kids roam. Have you done the chowder fest at the village too? That’s the only one we have been too. Ohhh I can’t wait to be back! Clyde’s! The village! The seaport! Yay!

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