My Week(171) in iPhone Photos
Snow, snow, snow, snow! It won’t be long til we will all be there with….GODDAMN IT MORE SNOW. Like I said before, it wasn’t a horrible week but by Friday I was d o n e. From tomorrow until the end of February my calendar has something on it almost every day (including kindergarten registration for Evan (!!) and preschool registration for Caroline (!!!!)). I’m actually excited about it, since I am no longer so exhausted I can’t function part 2 pm.
We watched a couple hours of men’s figure skating today and by the end both kids and injured themselves trying to do triple axles in the family room. I think I’m going to have to sign them up for the lessons I’ve been promising for weeks. Not that I DON’T want them to both become famous Olympic figure skaters so I can be the mom in those P&G commercials that make me cry every time, but ice rinks are cold. I was hoping for swimming. Or beach volleyball.
Tags: ballet, belly, brutus, Caroline, Connecticut, evan, football, iphone photos, my week in iphone photos, shopping, snow, winter
Where did Caroline’s football leggings come from? I wonder if they make them in baby sizes—I bet if I got them for Matt my brother’s head would explode.
They’re from They’re meant for babies, Caroline just wears them because she hates pants. I bet the football ones are even on sale, now that the season is over.
Bought them for Matt! Along with soccer and football socks. I am That Aunt now, this lady who buys socks for babies on the Internet.
I know this won’t do you any good right now but one thing that ice rinks have over other youth sporting venues is bars.
Our skating rink might be the saddest little rink in all the land. Their snack bar doesn’t even serve soda anymore, you have to get bottles from the machine.
For now. But when they start rising up the skating ladder you will go to better rinks. Because they will be superstars, naturally. Early am practices are much more bearable with a bloody mary.
Ice skating seems wiser than the ski jumping I showed Spencer. He tried to ski jump off the couch. Interestingly enough, that does not work.
Caroline and that button nose! Girls with button noses are seriously the best… I can’t wait til Loretta starts ballet. But ice rinks are cold. Yes they are. Stay away from the cold! They make P&G commercials for the summer Olympics too!