A-maaaaaze-ing Sunflowers At Lyman Orchards

See what I did there? In the title? A-MAZE-ing. Sorry about that, it seemed like a good idea at the time.

With several pick-your-own places within a couple miles of our house and a field of sunflowers the next town over we’ve never made the drive out to Lyman Orchards before last weekend. We planned to just go for the sunflowers but ended up having breakfast (giant apple cinnamon cream cheese bearclaw NOM NOM) and blueberry picking too. The kids loved the maze and would have stayed “lost” in it all day if we let them. And then Caroline ate her body weight in blueberries right off the bush. I would have felt bad about how many we didn’t pay for, except when we carried our GIANT pail of blueberries up to get weighed our total was $5. Best deal ever. We’re definitely going back for apples and pears – the views alone are worth the drive.

I actually had to DECREASE the color saturation on these pictures, because the flowers were so yellow and the sky was so blue it hurt my eyes. Real life, how can you be so gorgeous?!

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Lyman Orchards offered free maze tickets to several Connecticut bloggers and I was lucky enough to score them for our family, but no compensation was received and we paid for our food and blueberries.  The sunflower maze runs until August 25th and I highly recommend it!

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4 Responses to “A-maaaaaze-ing Sunflowers At Lyman Orchards”

  1. Leah says:

    Can you imagine how awful your life would be if you didn’t live somewhere so terribly photogenic? But still, you’d find a way to make adorable kids in overgrown parking lots look good too.

  2. Audrey says:

    Woow, that sun looks harsh! Is it afternoon sun? I see Caroline has the same great ideas that Del has – find her ‘hideout’, a shady cove under the blueberry bushes in which she can sit and relax and easily reach blueberry goodness. :D

    • bebehblog says:

      Basically noon. On a mountain. With almost no clouds. Plus it’s allllmost fall here, so the fall light is extra bright. GORGEOUS at 7 pm, terrible at 11 am.

      • Audrey says:

        Oh yeah, I bet. I tried to take some pics of the kids around 5 here and it was all MY EYES MY EYES, lol! I was just having sympathy cringes for their ginger skin. My freckles were tingling just looking at all that brightness. :D

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