My Week(159) in iPhone Photos

I set a goal for myself to take more interesting, photographically complex, technically strong iPhone photos, since those are all things I’m working on in my real photography. I failed. Maybe next week.


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Waiting in line is boring. Thank goodness there are benches for lounging.

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The Carle <3

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Practicing their cheers


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The ticket cashier printed extra “tickets” for the kids and the ticket puncher punched their “tickets” for them. We love Metro-North.

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You’ve seen this one, but my phone died in NY so I didn’t get many more.

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Donut the size of his head.


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She’s obsessed with my glasses

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Winter is coming. So is the bus.

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Modeling her awesome hat and sweater.


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I have no idea what we did on Wednesday. Teeth brushing might have been the only thing.

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Their new favorite bedtime book


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Not very excited to be outside in the cold

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Ignoring me.

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Matching Christmas jams (just a little early)


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We are totally going back to do this again

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My new favorite spot for evening pictures

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Playground time before it gets too cold


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First pony tail requires two pictures.

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Bounce house birthday = kids who slept really great

I cannot even believe how fast November is going. I have less than a month until Caroline’s 3rd birthday party (princess themed this year!) and I’ve done almost nothing. THAT IS SO UNLIKE ME. I don’t even have invitations yet. If anyone has this work-life balance thing figured out let me know, because so far I suck at it – and I can do 75% of my work from my couch.

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3 Responses to “My Week(159) in iPhone Photos”

  1. Sarah says:

    The ponytail. I am dead of cute.

    Can’t believe she’s going to be THREE!

  2. Fionnuala Darby-Hudgens says:

    I have always sucked at the work/life balance. Yay princess party!

  3. Erin says:

    Your weeks always look so much more fun than mine.

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