We had a storm Sunday night. I ended up sleeping on the couch because it was so windy and loud on the top floor where my bedroom is. Then the cable and internet were out. Then the basement flooded. On the other hand, we didn’t lose power here at the house, but because it was out in other towns our super crazy busy afternoon ended up being a pretty relaxed afternoon. I’m still so tired I almost fell asleep in the McDonald’s drive thru.
My little pirate tried her first macaron
The face is part of the costume, he liked the cookie
Why does Linc look like he’s 10?
Literally the only photo on my camera roll from this day
Playing trucks while we wait for the bus
Package protector
I bought 4 of these in August when I heard they might be popular. I guess they’re not THAT popular.
Hello gorgeous
He’s getting so LONG
Things that went through the washing machine this week
Caroline’s teacher suggested she might want a retake. Caroline couldn’t figure out why, she LOVES her picture. So we’re keeping it.
Fell asleep face down in the cookies.
Fancy fall hair
My little monkies on their favorite boat
He demanded I take this photo
I have this horrible cough that will not go away. I think it’s allergies causing post-nasal drip that’s clogging up my lungs, but whatever it is it’s ruining my week. I have these coughing fits that sound like I’m an old-fashioned lady dying of consumption. It causes a pounding headache and keeps me from sleeping. MOST of the time I’m totally fine and don’t feel sick at all, but then I get hit with an episode. Too bad I can’t take the nighttime cough meds during the day, That stuff is amazing.