Posts Tagged ‘photoshoot’

Halloween 2018 (Part 2): Harry Potter

Thursday, October 25th, 2018

Evan told me he wanted to be a Harry Potter character for Halloween months ago. I tried to talk the whole family into Harry Potter, but Linc and Caroline INSISTED on going with The Greatest Showman. So I promised Evan his own photoshoot and that he could be Harry Potter for trick-or-treating if he humored me for the family costume pictures.

Evan has gone back and forth on whether he is Harry Potter or Ron Weasley. He wants to be Harry because Harry is the main character and gets to do the most magic and save the day. But he has red hair and freckles, so he LOOKS more like Ron. I also struggled with this as a child – I thought I could *only* be blonde princesses or movie characters. It’s why I am the only person in the world who likes Amy March the best.

In the end, Evan decided he’s Ron Weasley, so here is his official Halloween 2018 Ron Weasley photo shoot. The setting is the high school down the street from us (Norwich Free Academy), which really does look pretty magical. I added a few special effects to make it extra wizard-like.


Some December in Connecticut Stuff

Monday, December 11th, 2017

We had 6 inches of snow on Saturday, which was beautiful but incredibly inconvenient. It ruined my long-planned styled photo shoot with a whole bunch of very cold children, and then the roads were terrifying when Caroline and I attended the Nutcracker. I hate driving in the snow, even after a decade in New England. But we made it and had a lovely time. The boys stayed home with a babysitter – Evan was so excited to “get babysitted”, for some reason he thinks that’s the coolest – and she reported they were great. I guess I’ll know if she’s telling the truth if the next time I text her she’s unavailable forever. The roads were clear and the snow was still on the trees on Sunday, so we went back out to get a photo for the back of the Christmas card.The kids are hoping this is the start of a very snowy winter, which I am totally ok with as long as from now on I don’t have to leave the house during the storm.

Here’s an update in photos of what we’ve been up to in the past few weeks.

Poor Finnegan had his regular check-up this week, and what I thought was just a baby cold had turned into a double ear infection. You’d think a baby in that much pain would complain, but he’s just been a boogery ball of sunshine (except when you put him outside in the snow)(he haaaates the snow).

Caroline does not hate the snow.


Wordless Wednesday: More Snow Pictures

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

I edited all of these so I wanted to put them somewhere. I’m not sure they’re worth my actual portfolio or if I’m being mom-blinded by her cuteness into thinking they’re adorable.

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