Posts Tagged ‘party planning’
Monday, December 7th, 2015
Sorry, planning a party, no time to remember anything else including my blog, my children and where I put my keys.
My town can be pretty cute
Driving directly into the sun – scenic but inconvenient
The only time he is EVER still
We introduced Evan to video games
He’s pretending to be the more mature one
Editing and watching Arrow, two of my favorites
Thank goodness he loves sleeping
Caroline is in that box
Doin’ important baby work
She’s very excited Darth Vader is on her pajamas
Post-flu-shot faces
She got send home from school for “feeling sick”
Hot chocolate stirring spoons: chocolate marshmallow, white chocolate peppermint, salted caramel
Ok, be back next week when I can think straight again and not spend all my time trying to imagine Nutcracker themed names for various cookies.
Tags: Caroline, Christmas, coffee, evan, family, food, holidays, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, naps, norwich, pajamas, party, party planning, pediatrician, photography, shopping, tula, work
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 1 Comment »
Sunday, November 22nd, 2015
Last week I went to Ulta and spent a bunch of money on makeup. I haven’t bought real makeup in a really, really long time and I don’t think I’ve ever bought all the things the sales girl recommended. Because it’s really expensive. But I’ve been feeling really old (even with blue hair) and I’ve been super unhappy when I look in the mirror, so spending a little (a lot) to feel better seemed reasonable. And you know what? My selfie ratio has gone way, way up and when I walked past a mirror today I was surprised to see someone who looked so happy. I think it was money well spent. Please enjoy a lot of selfies this week.
Beautiful morning in our postcard downtown
Caroline loves church because a) coloring and b) coffee hour
Cotton candy sky
His favorite spot is on my back, even when I’m not wearing him
Totally normal grocery shopping
Sleeping like a posed newborn baby
The sun starts to set before the bus even comes
This coat was an excellent purchase
Waving at the big girl ballerinas
Nursing, sleeping baby in Target
Even the filler paper from Shop Sweet Lulu was fun
Stars in his eyes
So November
They asked me to take this photo
Birthday invites from Jumping Jax Designs come with goodies
Baby sword fights seem like a wise choice
This weather can stay
No nap baby can’t stay awake when he’s wrapped
Raking is the worst
That house is called Greene Gables. They’re not green and it’s pretty abandonded, but I was still pretty excited.
Pile of gravel + waterfall = best day for a 6 year old
Tags: babywearing, Caroline, church, evan, fall, family, friends, fun, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, nap, party planning, selfies, shopping, tula, woven wrap
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Sunday, November 8th, 2015
Alternate title: The first week after the time change so all my photos are dark and blurry because I haven’t gotten used to the sun setting at 4:30. I’m going to schedule a nice, colorful, sunny photo post to go up tomorrow morning because this is too depressing to leave at the top of the blog for long.
They both love this
Putting the kids to work making a pie they refused to eat
Toddlers on the loose
Riding the dog like a small horse is frowned upon in this establishment!
Stupid time change
Why look at fish when you can hang out in the aquarium reading area?
$3 worth of dead fish make the stingrays way more fun
The force is strong with this one
He’s plotting how to knock the largest number of things off the shelves
While the sun is up the weather is GORGEOUS
Poor ear infection girl
Matching leggings 4 life
MUCH needed nap time
Super ambitious sewing plans (so far so good)
Wearing two babies instead of one
Suspicious baby is suspicious
Sleeping like he’s posed for a newborn photo
Bacon crackers. So simple. so delicious.
Playing cards is my favorite
I was really confused when I realized today is November 8th, which means November is 1/4th over already. HOW is that POSSIBLE? As ready as I am for Christmas decorating, I’m not actually ready for Christmas. I still have to plan Thanksgiving and Caroline’s birthday, schedule our family pictures, order Christmas cards, and buy all the presents. Plus E has a bunch of travel for work, which means I’ll be doing it alone. At least that means I can have cereal for dinner along with the kids.
Tags: aquarium, babywearing, cards, Caroline, evan, food, iphone photos, kids, leggings, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, mystic, mystic aquarium, party planning, sewing, shopping, siblings, tula
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Monday, July 27th, 2015
We celebrated Lincoln’s 1st birthday party on Saturday with a Twinkle Twinkle Little Star themed party. I fell in love with the star idea while rocking Linc to sleep in his room – there have been glow in the dark stars on his ceiling since we bought the house. Plus I don’t think it’s a stretch to say he is a sparkly, twinkly baby personality-wise. He’s my little star.
You can check out my Lincoln’s First Birthday Pinterest board for a lot of the recipes and inspiration for all my ideas. I’m putting the post after a jump so all 2 bazillion photos aren’t on the front page for the next month…
Tags: 1st birthday, first birthday, lincoln turns 1, parties, party, party decorations, party food, party planning, star 1st birthday, star birthday, twinkle twinkle little star, twinkle twinkle star party
Posted in We Like To Party | 4 Comments »
Sunday, June 21st, 2015
Schooooooooool’s out for summer! Caroline starts camp tomorrow AND she has her dance recital this week. She is going to be one tired girl by Saturday morning. I’m hoping that means she might sleep longer than 6 am.
For her last soccer game, Caroline played with the U8 team. She was half their size!
We all love #lakelife
We worked on our Father’s Day presents, which are late because E was SUPPOSED to be at sea. Although we are much happier having him home.
Glitter, the herpes of craft supplies
We put in a chin up bar for wrap swings
Little explorer
A+ dentist visit
Keeping the healthy baby away from the germs at his check-up
I cleaned out my purse. That’s just the trash.
I think my cat is plotting to kill me
Ice cream weirdos
He always sleeps like this
He really loves his foot
Hanging out
Baby friends!!!
Morning playdates are exhausting
Loooook at my fooooooot
I don’t know why.
Water break
Happy weekend!
E was supposed to be at sea but he is not, so we had a nice Father’s Day at the zoo followed by pulled pork and ice cream cake. The kids announced THEY had the best Father’s Day, so I think it was successful. I really like the kind of family fun day where no one has a giant meltdown and I get to eat ice cream cake.
Off topic: I got a Fitbit this week, and my desire to get to 10,000 steps a day has been GREAT motivation for me to move. I also really love that it’s giving me extra points in my Weight Watchers app, because ice cream cake.
Tags: #lakelife, babywearing, blushes, Caroline, dance, dentist, evan, iphone photos, lake, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, naps, party planning, wraps
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 1 Comment »