April 6, 2020 – Day 19
Tuesday, April 7th, 2020I probably should have started at day 1, but it didn’t seem like such a big deal two weeks ago.
I’ve been spending a lot of time playing dumb games on my phone to distract myself from real life, responsibilities, how loud my house is ALL THE TIME, and because I can’t sleep anymore. It’s not productive or healthy.
Then I remembered I had this long-neglected blog where I used to document our everyday lives as they happened. This time period doesn’t feel that different from 11 years ago this week when I had a brand new baby for the first time and I felt trapped, with an overwhelming amount of work to do, while also being bored out of my mind.
I’ve managed to keep up a 365 photo project for years now, not quite flawlessly, but pretty close. And although I’ve learned better than to make promises about returning to this space, I do hope I can turn it back into what it was originally meant to be by expanding my one photo a day to several days a week documented in photos. You’ll be seeing a lot of my messy house.
This was the first day of our second week of distance learning. The Davis Academy of Stop Touching Each Other needs to hire both a much better head teacher and a janitor ASAP.
Not a huge fan of online learning. One of my all-time best ideas was buying a bounce house 5 years ago. My mom sent a box of my old dance/skating costumes. Karate class via zoom Cheer stretch class via zoom My rice exploded.