This week features my baby sleeping in various places. Of course, I’d like him to also be sleeping RIGHT NOW but he’s decided that’s no fun anymore. Hashtag here comes the exhaustion.
Sleeping in the hospital, looking slightly less yellow than when we went in.
There are THREE CHILDREN in this photo. I grew them all.
I need someone to come over and constantly reassure Caroline she is still adorable.
Sleeping smiles in my lap
Caroline and Harry Potter share their ennui
I haven’t decided what to eat this on, so for now I’m using a spoon.
Oh man, that face.
Mystic Drawbridge Ice Cream to watch the Mystic Drawbridge
Photographer problems: Where do I put all this crap? (Answer: on the walls)
You’re going to see this onesie A LOT.
This is why I buy blueberries – I only manage to grow about 3 a year in our garden.
Flower child
Sleeping in the shopping cart while I but essentials.
ARM PARTY! (She made all of those)
Ice cream and farm animals because we HAD to get OUT OF THE HOUSE
Is she three or thirteen?
E was actually home long enough to see his children. It was exciting for all of us.
Sleeping baby in a hat
Baby sleeping in a fabric store
My no-theme, no-effort nursery now has a theme and some effort (my mom recovered the ottoman)
Tippy toes
Linc just stopped moving (he’s still BREATHING, I checked, but he’s not wiggling) so I’m going to hope the 5th feeding in a row worked and he’s finally asleep. Fingers crossed he continues to be an A+ Would Birth Again Excellent Baby.
As a sidenote, I have another sponsored post tomorrow. I know that’s 2 in 2 weeks but I don’t have any more scheduled. It just feels like they’re close together because the only blogging I’m really doing right now is blogging I HAVE to do (I consider my iPhone Photo posts HAVE TOs, because I cannot possibly quit after 195 of them). There will be actual Deep Thoughts and a LOT more pictures soon. Just not now, because sleep.