Now that I spend 80% of my day sitting on the couch nursing a baby, the bad news my week in iPhone photos is going to be a little repetitive. The good news is it’s almost all pictures of a tiny squishy baby, so it’s not the worst thing in the world.
First time being worn!! In our very most special wrap.
Super windy lake, but at least we made it ONE more time
First baby of mine to ever take a pacifier
Poor yellow baby (now he’s a blue baby)
When you turn on the jets in the bath you get a LOT of bubbles
Ready for school!
How he feels about the hospital
Baby’s Second Hanna Jams (lobsters were first)
Friends don’t let friends have a baby without bringing them their favorite wine
Pretending he’s still a baby too
Working on his thigh rolls
My life is now this…
…and this…
And three times a week this (chasing a toddler during soccer).
Helping me make the bed
He looks so pleased with his noodle and his juice
Living their best lives
Presents from Gymboree as part of a campaign! I’ll have the post up tomorrow!
I’m all caught up! Now I just have to edit a bazillion photos of our weekend so I can get THOSE up before the end of the week and then I might just spend the rest of the week napping instead of blogging. I’m sure you understand.