Posts Tagged ‘cosmic kids yoga’

My Week(344) in iPhone Photos

Thursday, June 8th, 2017

Current mood: I’m not at Disney World so I don’t care about anything. This week is cold and stupid.


Cousins checking out the back yard

Cupcakes + lake = perfect

Sand is delicious too I guess


This dog thinks it’s a cat

Caroline is going to be the card player in the family


Baby on my back

Is it a door? Maybe it was?

We walked here. You can see Mohegan Sun casino on the right down the river. We live really close.


New hair cut

New goggles

I think Evan might be a vampire?


Private lake morning

Family fun night

Good job Linc


I feel the same about laundry Linc

Love youuuuuuu Cosmic Kids


Back at the salon

Purple hairs for Disney!

Evening playdate for the kids

Seriously, guys, it was FIFTY DEGREES yesterday. It’s June. I can’t handle this. I realize pretty soon it will be 95 and I’ll be wishing it was cooler again, but never do I want it to be 50 degrees in June. Next week when I’m in Florida and sweating my butt off I won’t even be mad.

My Week(343) in iPhone Photos

Tuesday, May 30th, 2017

We have less than 2 weeks left until Disney World and I’m pretty sure I’m not going to be able to hold off telling the kids for much longer. I’m so bad at surprises.


Really excited to be at Lake Compounce

Evan’s face before we went on the roller coaster. His after face was not happy.

Caroline’s face all day


Once Finn is walking these two are going to be double trouble

Evening yoga


Are you sure this is breakfast? Why is it on the floor?

Couch naps

My favorite child


You can see our rainbow umbrella is his eyes

Skeptical of the art show

Art show snacks


I gave him nutella, it was a mistake

Now he’s trying to eat his siblings

Peace Out


How I feel about getting changed in front of people too

They REALLY love yoga


Took our cousin to the beach

And to the splash pad


And taught him yoga

I don’t know why I’m missing so many photos from this week. I THOUGHT I took lots. I’ll try to do better this week, although so far today I’ve taken zero and it’s 2 pm. But that’s because I’ve been listening to podcasts on my phone while I try to get the entire house cleaned and organized and back to the almost-always-ready-for-company level of tidy that I had achieved at the beginning of the year.

In other news, do you follow my 365 project on Facebook or Instagram yet? I figured I should put those photos someplace where people can see them, since my photography is my main claim to blogging fame (very very very tiny amounts of blogging fame) these days.